Acronym | Definition |
PCW | PC World (computer magazine; PC World Communications, Inc.) |
PCW | Plant Cell Wall |
PCW | Performance Counters for Windows (kernel device driver) |
PCW | Post Consumer Waste |
PCW | Personal Computer World (magazine) |
PCW | Powder Coat White (product color) |
PCW | Price Comparison Website |
PCW | Personal Computer World |
PCW | Pc Wizard |
PCW | Pc Write |
PCW | Process Cooling Water (system; various companies) |
PCW | Polichlorek Winylu (Polish: Polyvinyl chloride) |
PCW | Personal Care Worker |
PCW | Pulmonary Capillary Wedge (cardiology) |
PCW | Per Calendar Week (rent; UK) |
PCW | Pennsylvania Championship Wrestling (professional wrestling circuit) |
PCW | Paramount Canada's Wonderland |
PCW | Pitch Control Wheel |
PCW | Private Clan War (gaming) |
PCW | Professional Church Workers (conference) |
PCW | Powerhouse Championship Wrestling (Ohio) |
PCW | Personal Clan War (gaming) |
PCW | Pastoral Care Week (National Association of Catholic Chaplains) |
PCW | Practise Clan War (gaming) |
PCW | Price Change Worksheet |
PCW | Pacific Coast Warehousing Ltd (Canada) |
PCW | Procter Custom Woodworking (Houston, TX) |
PCW | Principia Cybernetica Web |
PCW | Previously Complied With |
PCW | Pyro Championship Wrestling |
PCW | Practice ClanWar (Counter-Strike gaming) |
PCW | Portable Carpentry Workshop (Rolling Trades Inc.) |
PCW | Playback Capture Wizard (Microsoft SQL Server 2005) |
PCW | Presbyterian Church in Westfield (Westfield, NJ) |
PCW | Process Cold Water |
PCW | Personal Communications Workshop |
PCW | Public Clan War (online gaming) |
PCW | Pump, Chilled/Coolant Water |
PCW | Professional Controllers of Washington DC |
PCW | petroleum-containing waste |
PCW | Potable Cold Water |
PCW | Peripheral Curve Width (contact lens fitting) |
PCW | Post Count Warrior |
PCW | Plainly Creative Works |