P&DPesquisa E Desenvolvimento (Portugal: Research and Development)
P&DPlanning and Development (various locations)
P&DPlanning and Design
P&DPlug and Display
P&DPipe and Drape
P&DPainting and Decorating
P&DPromotion and Distribution (entertainment industry)
P&Dpay & display (parking)
P&DProduction & Design
P&DPerformance & Development
P&DPump and Dump
P&DPeeled and Deveined (shrimp)
P&DPackaging and Distribution
P&DPlug & Display
P&DProduction & Development
P&DPickup & Delivery
P&DPressing and Distribution
P&DPower and Distribution
P&DProduction & Deployment
P&DPrice and Delivery, Information Request (RFQ)
P&DPest and Dryrot (Inspection)