Acronym | Definition |
PDA | Personal Digital Assistant (electronic handheld information device) |
PDA | Public Display of Affection |
PDA | Personal Data Assistant |
PDA | Progressive Democrats of America |
PDA | Pennsylvania Dental Association |
PDA | Patent Ductus Arteriosus |
PDA | Pregnancy Discrimination Act |
PDA | Place des Arts (Montreal cultural centre) |
PDA | Pinoy Dream Academy (TV show) |
PDA | Payday Advance Loan |
PDA | Pathological Demand Avoidance (Syndrome) |
PDA | Polo Democratico Alternativo (Spanish: Alternative Democratic Pole; Colombia) |
PDA | Parenteral Drug Association (now the International Association for Pharmaceutical Science and Technology) |
PDA | Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (cancer) |
PDA | Potato Dextrose Agar |
PDA | Property Damage Appraisers (various locations) |
PDA | Process Data Acquisition |
PDA | Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (religious aid) |
PDA | Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia |
PDA | Priority Development Area |
PDA | Players Development Academy (sports; various locations) |
PDA | Patron-Driven Acquisition (e-book purchasing model; libraries) |
PDA | Professional Development Awards (various organizations) |
PDA | Partito d'Azione (Italian political party) |
PDA | Public Display Authority (UK) |
PDA | Project on Defense Alternatives (Cambridge, MA) |
PDA | Personal Digital Assistant |
PDA | Partial Dial Abandon |
PDA | Personal Delivery Assistant |
PDA | Port Deactivation |
PDA | Parameter Data Assembler |
PDA | Public Display Assistant |
PDA | Phased Disassembly Array |
PDA | Partei Der Arbeit (Suisse Socialist Party) |
PDA | Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture |
PDA | Professional Development Activity (various organizations) |
PDA | Professional Development Academy (various locations) |
PDA | Painting and Decorating Association (Warwickshire, UK) |
PDA | Preliminary Damage Assessment (American Red Cross; aka Windshield Survey) |
PDA | Policy Development and Advocacy (various organizations) |
PDA | Portable Digital Assistant |
PDA | Protected Disclosures Act (New Zealand) |
PDA | Pile Driving Analyzer |
PDA | Photo-Diode Array |
PDA | Posterior Descending Artery |
PDA | Professional Development Assignment (higher education) |
PDA | Past Doctor Adventure (Doctor Who novel) |
PDA | Phase Doppler Anemometry |
PDA | Public Disclosure Act (various locations) |
PDA | Product Development Associates (various locations) |
PDA | Push-Down Automata (theory of computation) |
PDA | Persistent Ductus Arteriosus (cardiology) |
PDA | Private Detective Agency (various locations) |
PDA | Pretty Damn Amazing |
PDA | Program for Deaf Adults (New York) |
PDA | Public Development Authority |
PDA | Philippine Dental Association |
PDA | Project Development Agreement |
PDA | Personal Development Activity |
PDA | Probabilistic Data Association (algorithm for detecting radar target in clutter) |
PDA | P-Day |
PDA | Public Defender Agency (Alaska) |
PDA | Probabilistic Data Association |
PDA | Proforma Disbursement Account (shipping) |
PDA | Physical Disability Agency |
PDA | Production Data Acquisition |
PDA | Payroll Deduction Authorization (various organizations) |
PDA | Partial Discharge Analyzer (various companies) |
PDA | Power Distribution Assembly (Canadian, Australian and New Zealand Armies) |
PDA | Pole Dance America |
PDA | Progressive Democratic Alliance (British Columbia) |
PDA | Property Damage Accident |
PDA | Population & Community Development Association |
PDA | People's Democratic Alliance (Sierra Leone) |
PDA | Production Design Associates |
PDA | Pueblo Depot Activity (US Army) |
PDA | Parental Discretion Advised |
PDA | Personal Data Access |
PDA | Personal Database Application |
PDA | Positive Deviance Approach (behavioral health) |
PDA | Personal Display of Affection |
PDA | Pitch Detection Algorithm (digital recording) |
PDA | Professional Development Alliance |
PDA | Potash Development Association (York, UK) |
PDA | Preference Disaggregation Approach (decision theory) |
PDA | Personal Deposit Account |
PDA | Prostate Ductal Adenocarcinoma (rare form of prostate cancer) |
PDA | Professional Detective Agency (various locations) |
PDA | Propane Deasphalting |
PDA | Photonic Design Automation |
PDA | Percent Defective Allowable |
PDA | Psychopharmacologic Drugs Advisory (US FDA) |
PDA | Production Data Area |
PDA | Premature Descent Alert (FAA TAWS) |
PDA | Personal Digital Aide (electronic memo pad) |
PDA | Project on Death in America |
PDA | Parameter Data Area |
PDA | Physical Device Address |
PDA | Pretty Damn Arrogant |
PDA | Physical Display of Affection |
PDA | Predetermined Attendance (UK Fire Service) |
PDA | Private Display of Affection |
PDA | Personal Delivery Assistant (gaming) |
PDA | Post-Deflection Acceleration |
PDA | Post-Delivery Availability |
PDA | Potential Development Area |
PDA | Preliminary Design Approval |
PDA | Physical Disability Appeal |
PDA | Private Doctors of Australia |
PDA | Perry Davis Associates |
PDA | Percentage of Defectives Allowable |
PDA | Packet Downlink Assignment (GPRS) |
PDA | Predetermined Arc |
PDA | Phase Doppler Analysis |
PDA | Preliminary Design Audit |
PDA | Preventive Dental Assistant |
PDA | Program Decision Authority |
PDA | Planning and Decision Aid |
PDA | Photon Detector Assembly |
PDA | Phased Disassembly Array (Homework-PC game) |
PDA | Pressurized Docking Adapter |
PDA | Preliminary Design Assessment |
PDA | Phillips, DiPisa and Associates |
PDA | Preliminary Design Acceptance |
PDA | Property Disposal Agent |
PDA | Procurement Defense Agency |
PDA | Private Detectives Association (Massachusetts and New Jersey) |
PDA | Professional Decorative Artisans (Florida) |
PDA | Probability Decision Analysis |
PDA | Packaging and Design Association, Europe |
PDA | Perdiemazing (TDY) system |
PDA | Programmable Device Array |
PDA | Principal Development Activity/Agency |
PDA | Primary Docking Adapter (International Space Station) |
PDA | Property Disposal Account |
PDA | Post-Detection Amplifier |
PDA | Procedure Departure Authorization |
PDA | Prioritized Defended Asset |
PDA | Polish Diabetes Association |
PDA | Participant-Directed Retirement Account |
PDA | Physical Demand Assessment |
PDA | Public Disturbance Agency (gaming) |
PDA | Period-Doubling Analysis |
PDA | Principal Design Activity |
PDA | Portfolio Design Analysis |