SISStudent Information Systems
SISState Information Service (Egypt)
SISStudents in Service (est. 1997)
SISSecret Intelligence Service (MI6)
SISSuccess in Soccer (magazine; various locations)
SISSchool of Information Sciences
SISScience in Sport (nutrition)
SISSchool of International Service (American University, Washington, DC)
SISSilence Is Sexy
SISSuccess in Stages (bullying intervention program)
SISSay It Straight (Texas)
SISSummer in Switzerland
SISSemester in Spain (various schools)
SISSiemens IT Solutions
SISSingle-Instance Storage
SISSuperannuation Industry (Supervision) Act (Australia)
SISSpecialty Insurance Services (Paoli, PA)
SISStay-In-School (program)
SISSchengen Information System
SISServices Information System (North Carolina)
SISSafety Instrumented System
SISSchool of International Studies
SISShivas Irons Society (golf; Carmel, CA)
SISScientific Instrument Services (Ringoes, NJ)
SISSchool of Indigenous Studies (Australia)
SISSecond-Impact Syndrome (brain injury)
SISSchool of Information Systems (Singapore)
SISSecure Information Sharing
SISSundaram Infotech Solutions (India)
SISSingapore Indoor Stadium (est. 1989)
SISSuper Image Stabilizer
SISSchool Internet Server
SISSystem Integrity Services
SISSingle Ink System
SISSingle Image Stereograms
SISStateful Inspection System
SISSilicon Integrated Systems
SISSpecialized Information Services
SISSoftware Integration Services
SISStudent Information System
SISStartup Info Structure
SISScalable Internet Services
SISSystem Installation Suite
SISSatellite Informations Service
SISSupplier Information System
SISStatistical Information System
SISSecure Internet Services
SISSystems Integrators
SISSingle Instance Store
SISServices Information System
SISSpecialized Information Services (National Library of Medicine)
SISSingle Instance Store (Microsoft Windows 2000)
SISSeisen International School (Tokyo, Japan)
SISStrategic Infrastructure Security (computer training)
SISSpecial Information Systems (US DoD)
SISStandardiseringen I Sverige
SISSmall Intestinal Submucosa
SISSchlumberger Information Solutions
SISSmaller Island States
SISSimple Instruction Set
SISSilicon Integrated System(s)
SISSpatial Information System
SISServicio de Inteligencia Naval (Italian: Naval Intelligence Service)
SISSix-Item Screener (cognitive impairment)
SISStroke Impact Scale
SISStrategic Intermodal System
SISStrategic Information System
SISSegainterSettle AG (Swiss Central Securities Depository)
SISSchool of Information Studies
SISSocial Inclusion Strategy
SISShop in Shop (various companies)
SISState Institute of Statistics
SISSignal-in-Space (L1 or L2 signal transmitted from GPS satellites to GPS receivers)
SISSuspended Imposition of Sentence (legal)
SISStuff I've Seen (Microsoft search team, Ottawa, Canada)
SISSwarm Intelligence Symposium (IEEE)
SISShare Incentive Scheme
SISSingle Image Stereogram
SISSequential Importance Sampling
SISSoftware Interface Specification
SISSpecial Investigations Section
SISShift-Invariant Space (mathematics)
SISSecurity Information Systems
SISStudent Intervention Services (various schools)
SISSociety for Interdisciplinary Studies
SISSymbian Installation System (mobile phones)
SISStudijni Informacni System (Czech: Student Information System)
SISScience Information Strategy (Natural Environment Research Council; UK)
SISSeoul International School
SISSusceptible Infected Susceptible
SISSiemens Industrial Services (Canada)
SISSafe Injection Site (various locations)
SISSpecial Investigation Squad (TV show)
SISSide Impact Sensor (automobiles)
SISStandardiseringskommissionen I Sverige
SISSpecies Impact Statement (environmental conservation)
SISShimano Index System
SISSenior Intelligence Service
SISSerotonin Irritation Syndrome
SISInternational Workshop on Secure Information Systems (IEEE Workshop)
SISShekou International School (China)
SISSimulator Interface System (US NASA)
SISSlovak Information Service
SISSatellite Instrument Shelter
SISScientific Instrument Society
SISSafety Injection System
SISSoftware Intensive System
SISSpecial Interest Seminar (various organizations)
SISStreamlined Inspection System
SISSoftware Implementation Specification
SISSemiconductor Insulator Semiconductor
SISSchwerionensynchrotron (Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung mbH)
SISSeiko Instruments Singapore (est. 1973)
SISSenologic International Society
SISSystem Infrastructure Software
SISSections Internationales de Sèvres (French bilingual school)
SISStandalone Identification System (aerospace)
SISSchool of Intercultural Studies (Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena California)
SISStandard Interface Specification
SISSoccer Information Systems
SISStyrene Isoprene Styrene Block Copolymer
SISShipbuilding Innovation Scheme (Australia)
SISSwedish Institute for Standards (central body for standardization)
SISSchwab Investor Services
SISSpecial Information System
SISSpace Information Systems
SISServiços de Informação e Segurança
SISSafety Interlock Switch
SISSocial Indicators Survey
SISSpacecraft Interface Simulator
SISSimple Image Service
SISSlope Information System (Hong Kong)
SISSiteseeing Internet Services (Netherlands)
SISSound In Syncs
SISState Intermodal System (Florida, USA)
SISStiftung für Internationale Solidarität und Partnerschaft
SISSpace and Intelligence Systems
SISSigurnosno Izvestajna Sluzba (Security and Information Service, Croatia)
SISSkier Insurance Services
SISSaline Infused Sonogram
SISStandard Information System
SISSpace Inventory System
SISSystem Integration and Support
SISStepwise Isothermal Segregation
SISStandard Indexing System
SISSystème Information Sociale
SISStroudsburg Intermediate School
SISSpace Intelligence Squadron
SISSouthern Information Systems, Inc.
SISSignalling Interworking Subsystem
SISSCI Isolation Segment
SISScanning Imaging Spectrometer
SISSaman Information Structure (Iran)
SISSensor Image Simulator
SISSuperconducting Image Surface
SISSignatured Instruction Stream
SISServicios Israelis de Seguridad (Guatemalan security firm)
SISSimposio de Ingeniería de Software
SISSimple Internet Solutions
SISSynopsis Information System (DCAA)
SISSelective Inquiry System
SISSatellite Intercept System
SISStrategic Intelligence Summary
SISSurface-ionization-type Ion Source
SISSite Integrated Schedule
SISSingle Interceptor Satellite
SISSimulation Induced Sickness (program)
SISSistemas Israelitas de Seguridad (Guatemala)
SISSlovenský Internetový Spravodaj (Slovak Internet Search)
SISStil I Stål (Finnish: Style in Steel)
SISSubversive Intellectual Society
SISSolar Interplanetary Satellite
SISSales Implementation Specialist (Sprint)
SISStatistical Inventory Sampling
SISShuttle Interface Subsystem (US NASA)
SISSlovenská Informacná Služba (Slovak Information Service)
SISStation Indépendante Satellite (Belgian radio)
SISSupply Information System
SISSaratoga Investama Sedaya (Indonesia)
SISSpecial Inventory System
SISSpecial Isotope Separation/Separator
SISSerial Interface Server
SISStandardized Interface Specification
SISSingle Image Software
SISSensor & Instrumentation System
SISScientific Information Services Limited (St. Augustine, Trinidad & Tobago)
SISSimulator Interface Subsystem
SISSwitch Interface System
SISSurface Instrumentation Subsystem
SISSpecial Intelligence Study
SISSecondary Items Study
SISSystem Integrity Statement
SISSensory Index Score
SISServer Infrastructure Strategy
SISShip's Information System
SISStandard Inspection Sheet
SISSite Information Set
SISShock Inertia Switch
SISStow Infrastructure System
SISStatus Interrupt Signal
SISSupervisory Investigative Specialist