PHEPublic Health England (UK)
PHEPhenylalanine (Amino Acid)
PHEProtection of the Human Environment (World Health Organization)
PHEParamount Home Entertainment (Viacom, Inc.)
PHEPathway to Higher Education
PHEPlate Heat Exchanger (mechanical engineering)
PHEPublic Health Expenditure
PHEPadlock Hash Engine
PHEProtocol Header Encryption
PHEPublic Health Engineering
PHEPopulation Health and Environment
PHEPeriodic Health Examination (wellness; Canada)
PHEPreventive Health Exam (healthcare)
PHEProsecution History Estoppel
PHEPlastic High Explosive
PHEPort Hedland, Western Australia, Australia - Port Hedlan (Airport Code)
PHEProliferative Hemorrhagic Enteropathy (pig disease)
PHEPhiladelphia Handbell Ensemble (Pennsylvania)
PHEPropellant Handling Unit