Acronym | Definition |
PAP | Papanicolaou (Pap test or Pap smear; named for George Papanicolaou) |
PAP | People's Action Party (Singapore) |
PAP | Password Authentication Protocol |
PAP | Patient Assistance Program |
PAP | Port-au-Prince (Haiti) |
PAP | Positive Airway Pressure |
PAP | Physician Assistant Program (various locations) |
PAP | Port Authority Police (various locations) |
PAP | Picture and Picture |
PAP | Powers of Attorney for Property |
PAP | Printer Access Protocol |
PAP | Polska Agencja Prasowa (Polish News Agency) |
PAP | Post-Activation Potentiation |
PAP | Publish Ahead of Print |
PAP | Phosphatidic Acid Phosphatase |
PAP | Public Advisory Council |
PAP | Pan-African Parliament (est. 2004) |
PAP | Pulmonary Artery Pressure |
PAP | Physical Activity Program (various locations) |
PAP | Processed Animal Protein (feed) |
PAP | Pharmaceutical Assistance Program (various locations) |
PAP | Public Access Point |
PAP | Plastic Animation Paper |
PAP | Privilege Access Password |
PAP | Protected Audio Path |
PAP | Practical Applications of Prolog |
PAP | People's Armed Police (China) |
PAP | Public Awareness Program (various locations) |
PAP | Psychiatry and Allied Professions |
PAP | Pulmonary Arterial Pressure |
PAP | Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis |
PAP | Poker Affiliate Program (gambling) |
PAP | Pharmacy Assistance Program |
PAP | Post Affiliate Pro (software) |
PAP | Pre-Authorized Payment |
PAP | Personal Auto Policy |
PAP | Protected Audio Path (Microsoft) |
PAP | Projet Annuel de Performance (French: Annual Performance Plan) |
PAP | Push Access Protocol (WAP) |
PAP | Prostate Acid Phosphatase |
PAP | Placental Alkaline Phosphatase (biology) |
PAP | Prospective Adoptive Parent |
PAP | People's Alliance Party (Solomon Islands) |
PAP | Peruvian Aprista Party |
PAP | Purple Acid Phosphatase |
PAP | Public Administration Project |
PAP | Poverty Alleviation Programme |
PAP | Policy Agendas Project (University of Texas at Austin) |
PAP | Policy Advisory Panel (various organizations) |
PAP | Principal Activity Plan (Australia) |
PAP | Policy Administration Point (identity governance) |
PAP | Pédagogie Active et Participative (French: Active and Participative Pedagogy) |
PAP | Performance Assurance Plan |
PAP | Police Accountability Project (University of Chicago; Illinois) |
PAP | Public Access Profile |
PAP | Public Art Policy (various locations) |
PAP | Page Avec Publicité (French: Page with Ads) |
PAP | Priority Action Programme |
PAP | Programme d’Aide à la Publication (Publishing Aid Programme) |
PAP | Pedigree Analysis Package |
PAP | Professional Accredited Parliamentarian (credential) |
PAP | Packet-Level Procedure |
PAP | Personnel Assurance Program |
PAP | Paragon Adventure Park (Hazelton, PA) |
PAP | Procedure And Practice |
PAP | Program Action Plan |
PAP | Private Access Provider |
PAP | Personal Articles Policy (insurance) |
PAP | Product Assurance Plan |
PAP | Performance Assessment Plan |
PAP | Present Active Participle (grammar) |
PAP | Primes in Arithmetic Progression (mathematics) |
PAP | Purity, Aid, & Progress (Loyal Order of Moose) |
PAP | Personnel Assistance Point |
PAP | Programa de Asistencia al Paciente (Spanish) |
PAP | Philosophical Association of the Philippines (Philippines) |
PAP | Packet Authentication Protocol |
PAP | Pharmacy Administration and Practice |
PAP | Poluautomatska Puška (Croatian: semi-automatic rifle) |
PAP | Prêt d’Aide à l'Accession à la Propriété |
PAP | Peroxidase-Antiperoxidase smear test (medical term) |
PAP | Power Angle Profile |
PAP | Performance Assurance Procedures |
PAP | Pre-Approved Payments |
PAP | Project Application Processor |
PAP | Pre-Allocation Porting |
PAP | Plant Administrative Procedure |
PAP | Palo Alto Philharmonic (California) |
PAP | Payload Activity Plan |
PAP | Production Assurance Program |
PAP | Provider Access Point (ITU) |
PAP | Payload Attach Plate |
PAP | Plasma Arc Pyrolysis |
PAP | Polyaspartic Aliphatic Polyurea (concrete sealer) |
PAP | Publicly Available Price (Cap) |
PAP | Process Assessment Procedure |
PAP | Private Administrative Procedure (similar to Notarial Protest) |
PAP | Primary Assembly Point |
PAP | Porcine Actinobacillus Pleuropneumonia |
PAP | Predetermined Acceptance Probability |
PAP | Prion Amyloid Protein |
PAP | Past Assembly President |
PAP | Project-Affected Person/People |
PAP | Proyectos Alternativos de Publicidad (Spanish: Alternative Advertising Projects) |