Acronym | Definition |
POI | Point(s) Of Interest |
POI | Position of Interest |
POI | Program(s) Of Instruction |
POI | Proof of Insurance |
POI | Proof of Income |
POI | Proof of Identity |
POI | Principles of Instruction |
POI | Points of Interaction |
POI | Point of Interconnection |
POI | Protection of Investment |
POI | Point of Inflection (mathematics) |
POI | Plan of Improvement (various organizations) |
POI | Primary Ovarian Insufficiency |
POI | Plan of Implementation (UN) |
POI | Point Of Interface |
POI | Programme of Inquiry (education) |
POI | Probability Of Intercept |
POI | Point of Impact |
POI | Probability of Identification (statistics) |
POI | Postoperative Ileus (gastroenterology) |
POI | Poisonous (fire diamond warning code) |
POI | Purchase Order Invoice |
POI | Points of Interconnection |
POI | Program Operator Interface |
POI | Points of Interest |
POI | Point of Interest |
POI | Point of Information |
POI | Person of Interest |
POI | Point of Intersection (mathematics) |
POI | Principal Operations Inspector |
POI | Pole of Inaccessibility (geography) |
POI | Plan d'Opération Interne (French: Plan of Internal Operation) |
POI | Poor Obfuscation Implementation |
POI | Prevention of Injury (military detention; US DoD) |
POI | Pay on Invoice |
POI | Price on Inspection (various companies) |
POI | Physician Office Integration (healthcare) |
POI | Plan Of Instruction |
POI | Perceptual Organization Index |
POI | Point of Impingement |
POI | Period of Interest (US DoD) |
POI | PURL-Based Object Identifier |
POI | Plane of Innovation (Everquest game) |
POI | Program Oral Interpretation (forensics speech) |
POI | Point of Interception |
POI | Pissed Off Iraqi |
POI | Panoramic Optical Imager |
POI | Products Of Inertia |
POI | Period of Insurance |
POI | Parallel Optical Interface |
POI | Pride On Ice (website) |
POI | Percent of Increase |
POI | Polygons Of Interest |
POI | P-mode Oscillations Instrument (Mees Solar Observatory) |
POI | Purveyor of Innovation (marketing) |
POI | Planned Operational Interval (US DoD; naval aviation) |
POI | Penguin on Ice |
POI | Prior Owner Inscription (book markings) |
POI | Purchase Order Index |