Acronym | Definition |
SGO | Office of the Secretary General |
SGO | Statement of Government Operations |
SGO | Student Government Organization |
SGO | Special Guardianship Order (legal order; UK) |
SGO | Society of Gynecologic Oncologists |
SGO | Surgeon General's Office |
SGO | St George, Queensland, Australia - St George (Airport Code) |
SGO | Stuff Going On (polite form) |
SGO | Senior Government Official |
SGO | Second Generation Outsourcing |
SGO | Standard Garrison Organization |
SGO | Silicon Graphics Onyx |
SGO | Solid Grade Oligomer (chemistry) |
SGO | Single Generator Operation |
SGO | Stained Glass Overlay, Inc. |
SGO | Sweat Output per Gland |
SGO | Sex, Gender, Orientation |
SGO | Sacred Ground Outreach (Siletz, OR) |