Acronym | Definition |
PEN | Penitentiary |
PEN | Penalty |
PEN | Peruvian Nuevo Sol (Currency) |
PEN | Pendleton (Amtrak station code; Pendleton, OR) |
PEN | Public Education Network |
PEN | Poder Ejecutivo Nacional (Argentina) |
PEN | Polyethylene Naphthalate (electrical insulation material) |
PEN | Pan European Network (air traffic management) |
PEN | Programa Estado de la Nación (Spanish: State of the Nation Program; Costa Rica) |
PEN | Personal Electronic Navigator |
PEN | Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies |
PEN | Poverty Environment Nexus (various locations) |
PEN | Partido Encuentro Nacional (Paraguay) |
PEN | Poets, Playwrights, Editors, Essayists, and Novelists |
PEN | Personal Education Number |
PEN | Pennsylvania Environmental Network |
PEN | Penetrating/Penetration |
PEN | Private Enterprise Number (assigned by the IANA) |
PEN | Peer Education Network |
PEN | Parent Empowerment Network (Washington state) |
PEN | Prison Enterprises Network (Indiana) |
PEN | Program Element Number |
PEN | Penang, Malaysia - Penang International (Airport Code) |
PEN | Pilipino Educators Network (Maryland) |
PEN | Positive-Electrolyte-Negative (solid oxide fuel cells) |
PEN | Plain English Network (US government) |
PEN | Permanent Employee Number |
PEN | Professional Employer Network |
PEN | Primary Endosperm Nucleus |
PEN | Persuasive, Expository, Narrative (basic styles of writing) |
PEN | Protective Earth and Neutral (conductor) |
PEN | Provinciaal Energiebedrijf NoordHolland (Dutch) |
PEN | Professional Executive Network |
PEN | Private Electronic Network |
PEN | Poets, Editors, Novalists |
PEN | Phoenix Entrepreneurs Network (Phoenix, AZ) |
PEN | Probability, Electric Strength, Number of Life Cycles |