POTPlenty of Time
POTPotion (gaming)
POTProof of Time
POTPrinciples of Technology
POTProof of Technology
POTPosition of Trust (Australia)
POTPorterville (Amtrak station code; Porterville, CA)
POTPrince of Tennis (anime)
POTPower Over Time (gaming)
POTPart of Term (education)
POTPlan of Treatment
POTPoint Of Termination
POTPlain Old Telephone (service)
POTPoint of Transaction
POTPeak of Tension (polygraph testing)
POTPort of Tauranga (New Zealand)
POTMicrosoft PowerPoint Template (file extension)
POTPages of Testimony
POTPort of Toledo
POTPolska Organizacja Turystyczna (Polish: Polish Tourist Organization)
POTPathway of Toxicity
POTPower-On Test
POTPost-Operative Treatment
POTPlan de Ordenamiento Territorial (Spanish: Zoning Plan; various nations)
POTPatients Out of Time
POTPoint of Tangency
POTPower Point Template
POTPart of Title
POTPurchase Order Tracking
POTPremium Overtime
POTPerformance Oriented Training
POTPre-Operational Testing (engineering)
POTPlane of Tranquility (Everquest game)
POTPublic Off Topic
POTPoint on Tangent
POTPositional Orthostatic Tachycardia (syndrome)
POTPickle Onion Tomato
POTPlan of Test
POTPre-Overhaul Test
POTPlenty of Torrents (website)
POTPenalty Overtime
POTPort of Transshipment (shipping)
POTPortable Operators Terminal
POTPurchase Order Text (government procurement)
POTPhysician Optimized Treatment :-)
POTProgress, Ownership and Transparency (project characteristics; various organizations)
POTPercent Off Tariff
POTPharmaceutical Optimized Treatment :-)
POTPennsylvania-Ontario Transportation Company