Acronym | Definition |
PPT | Parts Per Trillion |
PPT | Parts Per Thousand |
PPT | Power Point File format/extension (Microsoft) |
PPT | Precipitate (chemistry) |
PPT | Percentage Points (financial reports) |
PPT | Postponed (baseball) |
PPT | Personal Property Tax |
PPT | Pedagogisk Psykologisk Tjeneste (Norwegian: Educational and Psychological Service) |
PPT | Partners in Pediatrics |
PPT | Periodismo Para Todos (Argentinian TV program) |
PPT | Patria Para Todos (Homeland for All, political party) |
PPT | Putting the Pieces Together |
PPT | Public Policy Team (various organizations) |
PPT | Positive Psychotherapy |
PPT | Plunge Protection Team (nickname; Working Group on Financial Markets) |
PPT | Pressure Pain Threshold |
PPT | Pulsed Plasma Thruster |
PPT | Program Planning Team |
PPT | Posterior Pelvic Tilt |
PPT | Pre-Paid Tuition (various locations) |
PPT | Paper and Pencil Test (various organizations) |
PPT | Professional Poker Tour |
PPT | Pre-Production Test |
PPT | Personal Protective Technology (US CDC) |
PPT | Probabilistic Polynomial Time |
PPT | Personal Productivity Tool (usually meaning a personal computer) |
PPT | Program Properties Table |
PPT | Power Point |
PPT | Processing Program Table |
PPT | Printing and Publishing Technology |
PPT | Precision Pressure Transducer |
PPT | Pay-Per-Transaction |
PPT | Powered Pallet Truck |
PPT | President Pro Tempore |
PPT | Permanent People's Tribunal (various locations) |
PPT | Presidential Prayer Team |
PPT | Process Project Teams |
PPT | Peak Power Tracker |
PPT | Primitive Pythagorean Triple (ordered triple of relatively prime integers that satisfy the Pythagorean theorem) |
PPT | Planned Parenthood of Toronto |
PPT | Public Pay Telephone |
PPT | Program Properties Table (MVS Operating System) |
PPT | Program Performance Test |
PPT | Pacific Play Tent |
PPT | People's Party of Timor (East Timor) |
PPT | Pacific Prevailing Time |
PPT | Paid Part-Timer |
PPT | Positive Partial Transpose |
PPT | Prentiss Properties Trust (real estate investement trust; various locations) |
PPT | Processing Program Table (CICS) |
PPT | Propagation Prediction Tool |
PPT | Package Peak Temperature |
PPT | Pink Poogle Toy (website) |
PPT | Precision Position Tracker (optical tracking system used in virtual reality) |
PPT | Princess Peach Toadstool (Mario Games) |
PPT | Planning & Placement Team |
PPT | Punkter Per Tomme (Norwegian: Dots Per Inch) |
PPT | Program Processing Table |
PPT | Proprietary Push Technology (computing) |
PPT | Performance Price Tradeoff (government contracts) |
PPT | Pupil Personnel Team |
PPT | Pulse Pair Timing |
PPT | Precision Pad Technology |
PPT | Personally Procured Transportation |
PPT | Permeability Plugging Tester (drilling industry) |
PPT | Post Production Test |
PPT | Production Prove-out Test |
PPT | Partners for Public Transportation |
PPT | Principles and Parameter Theory |
PPT | Physical Prototyping Team |
PPT | Product Positioning Time |
PPT | Pass Prediction Table |
PPT | Partial Prothrombine Time |
PPT | Papeete, French Polynesia - International Tahiti-Faaa (Airport Code) |
PPT | Petroleum Profit Tax Act of 1959 (Nigeria) |