PFPower Forward (basketball)
PFPoints For
PFPower Factor
PFPatriotic Front (Zambia)
PFProgram Files
PFPension Fund
PFPink Floyd (band)
PFPhat Farm (clothing brand)
PFPerfect Fit
PFPublic Facilities
PFFrench Polynesia (ISO country code, top level domain)
PFPersonal Foul (basketball)
PFPlanet Fitness
PFPosture Foundation (PF Flyer shoes)
PFPheasants Forever (wildlife conservaton group)
PFPublic Finance
PFPublic Forum
PFProject Finance
PFPolícia Federal (Brazil; Federal Police Force)
PFPacket Filter
PFPhiladelphia Flyers (NHL)
PFProgramming Fundamentals
PFPhysical Functioning
PFPacific Fighters (computer game)
PFPeak Flow
PFPigeon Forge (Tennessee)
PFPhantom Forces (gaming)
PFPalatable Food
PFPostfach (German: PO Box)
PFPro Forma
PFPage File
PFPower Failure
PFPreguntas Frecuentes (Spanish: Frequently Asked Questions)
PFPulp Fiction (film by Quentin Tarantino)
PFPanadeine Forte (medication)
PFPeople First
PFParameter File (computing)
PFPower Fist (computer games)
PFPass/Fail (grade)
PFPurkinje Fibre (cells)
PFPelvic Floor (anatomy)
PFPersonal Fitness
PFPopular Force
PFPilot Flying
PFProtection Factor
PFPayload Forward (US NASA)
PFPillow Fight
PFParacel Islands
PFPulse Frequency (Sprint)
PFPanzerfaust (computer gaming)
PFPacific Fleet
PFPower Feed
PFPositive Force
PFParticle Filter
PFParticulate Filter
PFProgrammable Function(s)
PFprotein free
PFProbability of Failure
PFProcurator Fiscal
PFPlantar Flexion
PFPersonal File
PFPersonality Factor (psychology)
PFPagan Federation
PFPour Feliciter (French: to extend congratulations)
PFPurple Fringing
PFPeter Fonda (actor)
PFPatrol Frigate
PFParity Flag
PFPre Flight
PFParapsychology Foundation
PFPerformance Factor
PFProblem Formulation
PFplain films (radiology)
PFPepperidge Farms
PFPaul Fleming (from P.F. Chang's China Bistro; restaurant named for founder Paul Fleming and chef Philip Chiang)
PFProfessional Firefighter
PFPulverized Fuel
PFPrevention First (violence/substance abuse prevention agency)
PFPolar Front
PFProtective Force
PFPermanent Forum
PFPucker Factor
PFPrivacy Forum
PFPalestinian Airlines (IATA airline code)
PFPrato Feito (Brazil; fast food)
PFProduction Factor
PFPortal Frame (structural engineering)
PFPorcfest (porcupine festival; Lancaster, NH)
PFProfunda Femoris (anatomy)
PFPosition Fixing
PFProbability of False Alarm
PFPeanut Flour
PFPixel Frequency
PFPlain Face (construction)
PFPenetration Factor
PFProposed Finding
PFPlanned Facility
PFPrimary Feeder
PFPresentation Function
PFPassive Flow
PFPrivacy Foundation
PFPotency Factor
PFPaged File
PFParachute Flare
PFProstatitis Foundation
PFPlanning Factor
PFPrairie Flowers (workshop)
PFPeer Facilitator
PFProject Forecast
PFPartially Fertile
PFPhat Farms (clothing brand)
PFPlanet Feedback
PFPolymer Filtration
PFPrice Pfister, Inc. (Lake Forest, CA)
PFProto Flight
PFPontus Ferrum (Latin: Sword Bridge; gaming; Cabal Online)
PFPartition Factor
PFPlanet Fortress (Team Fortress news site)
PFProduit de Fission (French: Fission Product)
PFPresence Function
PFPlain Flooding
PFPartial Fail (Nortel)
PFPolicía Fronteriza (México, border patrol)
PFPharmacopeia Forum
PFPOLYCENTER Framework (Digital Equipment Corporation)
PFProvidend Funds
PFPhilatelic Foundation of New York
PFPipes and Flowers (Elisa Italian music album)
PFPalm Foundation
PFPioneer and Fayette Failroad Company