SIFTSignal Integrity Filtering Technology
SIFTSender Initiated File Transfer
SIFTScale Invariant Feature Transform
SIFTspecified investment flow-through
SIFTSmart Information Flow Technologies (Minneapolis, MN)
SIFTSemantic Interpretation of Free Text (natural language processing)
SIFTService Increment for Teaching (UK)
SIFTSoftware Implemented Fault Tolerance
SIFTSorting Intolerant from Tolerant
SIFTStanford Information Filtering Tool
SIFTStrain Invariant Failure Theory
SIFTSymbol Imagery Figurative Language Theme (literature)
SIFTSum Index Flow Technology (Navision)
SIFTskin integrity function test
SIFTSense, Intention, Feeling, Tone (literature)
SIFTSimulation Interface Toolset
SIFTSecure Internet Filtering Technology (consortium)
SIFTScan, Investigate, Filter, and Target
SIFTSystem Identification from Tracking
SIFTSystematic Inspection of Features in the Territory (Hong Kong)
SIFTSingapore Institute of Food Science and Technology
SIFTSender Initiated File Transfer Protocol
SIFTSelectively Improved Flagging Task
SIFTSustainable Investment and Finance in Tourism Network (UNEP)