Acronym | Definition |
ADEPT | Adobe Digital Editions Protection Technology |
ADEPT | Adaptive Deployable Entry and Placement Technology (US NASA) |
ADEPT | Alexandria Digital Earth Prototype |
ADEPT | Antibody-Directed Enzyme Pro-Drug Therapy |
ADEPT | Assisting, Developing, and Evaluating Professional Teaching |
ADEPT | Analytical Design Planning Technique (UK) |
ADEPT | Automatic Debiting and Electronic Payment for Transport |
ADEPT | Alcohol and Drug Education and Prevention Team |
ADEPT | Advanced Design Environment Prototype Tool |
ADEPT | Administrative Data Entry for Processing Transmission |
ADEPT | Analysis-Based Data Exchange for Publications and Training (US DoD) |
ADEPT | Applying Diagnosis, Etiology, Prognosis & Therapy (methodological filters for retrieving the evidence) |
ADEPT | Asynchronous Distance Education Project (Stanford University) |
ADEPT | Adaptive Diagnostic Electronic Portable Testset |
ADEPT | A Developmental English Proficiency Test (education) |
ADEPT | Automated Disaster and Emergency Planning Tool (communicable disease control) |
ADEPT | Advanced Dundee Endoscopic Psychomotor Tester (two-handed performance) |
ADEPT | Advanced Distributed Engineering and Programming Toolset |
ADEPT | Acquisition of Desktop Extended Processing Technology (USPS) |
ADEPT | Advanced Distributed Environment for Production Technology |
ADEPT | Application Disposition Processing and Tracking (Canada) |
ADEPT | Assisting in Deployment of Energy Practices and Technologies program (US DoE) |
ADEPT | Advanced Design Electronic Packaging Technique |
ADEPT | Assisting Disabled Employment Placement Training |
ADEPT | Application Documents Electronically Performed Transmission (e-filing system) |
ADEPT | Automated Deposit of Electronic Payment for Taxes |
ADEPT | Anatomically Design-Engineered Polymer Technology |
ADEPT | Association of Directors of Environment, Economy, Planning and Transport (UK) |