Acronym | Definition |
ADF | Automatic Direction Finder/Finding |
ADF | Alliance Defense Fund |
ADF | Australian Defence Force |
ADF | Application Development Framework |
ADF | Acid Detergent Fiber |
ADF | Automatic Direction Finder (US DoD) |
ADF | Australian Drug Foundation |
ADF | Assemblée des Départements de France (French: Departments Assembly France) |
ADF | American Dance Festival |
ADF | Ár Ndraíocht Féin (Our Own Druidism) |
ADF | Alternate Day Fasting (dieting) |
ADF | Asian Dub Foundation |
ADF | A Druid Fellowship |
ADF | African Development Fund |
ADF | Augmented Dickey-Fuller (economics) |
ADF | African Development Forum |
ADF | Auto-Darkening Filter (glass) |
ADF | Automocion Diseno Y Fabricacion |
ADF | Agent Developing Framework |
ADF | Add Floating |
ADF | Automatic Direction Finder |
ADF | Advanced Differential Fabric |
ADF | Administration Configuration File |
ADF | Automatic Document Feeder |
ADF | Audio File |
ADF | Alarm Distribution Frame |
ADF | Acronym Database File |
ADF | Adapter Description File |
ADF | Automated Document Factory |
ADF | Abuse-Deterrent Formulations (opiod abuse) |
ADF | African Development Foundation |
ADF | Allied Democratic Forces (Ugandan insurgents) |
ADF | Automatic Document Feed(er) |
ADF | Arbeitskreis Digitale Fotografie (German: Working Group on Digital Photography) |
ADF | Association Dentaire Française (French Dental Association) |
ADF | African dwarf frog |
ADF | Aeroporto Di Firenze (Firenze, Italy) |
ADF | America's Development Foundation |
ADF | Approved Deposit Fund (Australia) |
ADF | A Diversified Family (est. 2000) |
ADF | Average Daily Flow |
ADF | Alternative Display Facility (NASD) |
ADF | Air Defense Force |
ADF | Automotive Distribution Federation (UK) |
ADF | Air Defense Fighter |
ADF | Amiga Disk File |
ADF | Annular Dark-Field |
ADF | Advanced Dominance Fighter (aircraft; Gründer Industries) |
ADF | Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dermatologische Forschung (German Society of Experimental Dermatology) |
ADF | Anglican Development Fund (est. 1967; Australia) |
ADF | Association des Francophones (French: Association of French Speakers) |
ADF | Advance Disposal Fee (Florida) |
ADF | Access Control Decision Function |
ADF | Airline Dispatchers Federation |
ADF | Albanian Development Fund (Tirana, Albania) |
ADF | Automatically Defined Function |
ADF | Application Development Facility |
ADF | Amsterdam Density Functional package |
ADF | Auto da Fé (band) |
ADF | Arkansas Defense Force |
ADF | Astrophysics Data Facility |
ADF | Application Descriptor File |
ADF | Avian Development Facility (space station scientific payload; part of the Space Station Biological Research Project) |
ADF | Aerospace Data Facility (USAF) |
ADF | Airport Duty Free |
ADF | Americas Duty Free (publication: Global Marketing Company Ltd.) |
ADF | Asymptotic Distribution Free |
ADF | Australian Doctors' Fund |
ADF | Average Duration of Fades |
ADF | Ancillary Data Flag |
ADF | Airborne Direction Finder |
ADF | After Deducting Freight |
ADF | Advanced Distribution Frame (Telect Inc.) |
ADF | Add-Drop Filter |
ADF | American Dancewheels Foundation, Inc. (Bala Cynwyd, PA) |
ADF | Ausbildungsdienst der Formation (Swiss Army) |
ADF | Analyse, Développement, Formation (French: Analysis, Development, Training; software development company) |
ADF | Application Dependent Format |
ADF | Airborne Direction-Finding |
ADF | Auxiliary Detonating Fuze |
ADF | Avionics Development Facility |
ADF | Advisory File |
ADF | Amplitude Density Function (the probability density of surface height) |
ADF | Academy of Dance on Film (Hollywood, California) |
ADF | Amplify-Decode-and-Forward (protocol) |
ADF | Argentine Society of Cinematographers |
ADF | Administrator's Discretionary Fund |
ADF | Additional Deposit Fund (insurance) |
ADF | Advanced Development Facility |
ADF | Address Decoder Fault |
ADF | Akuapem Development Foundation (Ghana) |
ADF | Army Declassification Facility |
ADF | Alarm Distribution Frame (Sprint) |
ADF | Area Delimitation File |
ADF | Allocation and Distribution of Fires |
ADF | Activity Address File (claims) |
ADF | Alveolar Dead Space Fraction |
ADF | Apply Directly to Forehead (band) |