Acronym | Definition |
PDP | Program Decision Package |
PDP | Policy Decision Point |
PDP | Product Detail Page (web page) |
PDP | Plasma Display Panel |
PDP | Prescription Drug Plan (Medicare) |
PDP | Portable DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) Player |
PDP | Professional Development Program |
PDP | PewDiePie |
PDP | Packet Data Protocol |
PDP | Personal Development Plan |
PDP | Performance Designed Products (California) |
PDP | People's Democratic Party (political party) |
PDP | Professional Development Plan |
PDP | Parallel Distributed Processing |
PDP | Progressive Democratic Party (various locations) |
PDP | Perfect Dream Project (anime) |
PDP | Parallel Distributed and Network-Based Processing (International Conference) |
PDP | Plano Diretor Participativo (Portuguese: Participative Master Plan; Brazil) |
PDP | Process Design Package (technology; various companies) |
PDP | Plan Development Process (various states) |
PDP | Pantalla de Plasma (Spanish: Plasma Display Panel) |
PDP | Primary Dos Partition |
PDP | Policy Development Process |
PDP | Parallel Data Processing |
PDP | Peer Database Protocol |
PDP | Programmed Data Processor |
PDP | Programmable Data Path |
PDP | Power Distribution Panels |
PDP | Performance Development Plan |
PDP | Popular Democratic Party (political party from Puerto Rico) |
PDP | Programmed Data Processor (DEC computer model/line) |
PDP | Player Development Program (various organizations) |
PDP | Pi Delta Psi (fraternity) |
PDP | Product Development Process |
PDP | Parti Démocratique Progressiste (French: Democratic Progressive Party) |
PDP | Party for Democracy and Progress (Burkina Faso) |
PDP | Party of Democratic Progress (Bosnia and Herzegovina) |
PDP | Power Distribution Panel |
PDP | Proved Developed Producing (oil/gas reserves) |
PDP | Parc Downsview Park (Canada) |
PDP | Product Development Protocol(s) |
PDP | Plasma Diagnostics Package (US NASA) |
PDP | Product Development Partnership |
PDP | Procedural Due Process |
PDP | Power Delay Profile |
PDP | Preliminary Design Plan (various organizations) |
PDP | Pressure Dew Point |
PDP | Philadelphia Dance Projects (Philadelphia, PA) |
PDP | Programmable Data Processor (Digital Equipment Corporation) |
PDP | Pervasive Developmental Disorder |
PDP | Princeton Dante Project (est. 1999; Princeton University; Princeton, NJ) |
PDP | Plan de Prévention (French: Prevention Plan) |
PDP | Pakistan Democratic Party |
PDP | Program Development Plan |
PDP | Project Design Print (UK) |
PDP | Product Delivery Process |
PDP | Predetermined Point Procedure (aviation) |
PDP | Phalang Dharma Party (Thailand) |
PDP | Pokemon Diamond and Pearl |
PDP | Participatory Development Program |
PDP | Personal Data Processing |
PDP | Power-Delay Product |
PDP | Pachydermoperiostosis |
PDP | Panel de Pon (game) |
PDP | Pre-Delivery Deposit Payments |
PDP | Portable DVD (Digital Versatile Disc) Player (various companies) |
PDP | Public Discourse Project (public-private group on 9/11 awareness) |
PDP | Project Definition Phase |
PDP | Pastoralist Development Project (FARM-Africa) |
PDP | Planned Development Project |
PDP | Programas de Desarrollo y Paz (Sanish, Colombia) |
PDP | Programmable Digital Processor |
PDP | Predetermined Position |
PDP | Procurement Data Package |
PDP | Passion Driven Prosperity (Internet publication marketing company and digital book) |
PDP | Possession of Drug Paraphernalia (criminal offense) |
PDP | Partner Development Program |
PDP | Partner Discount Program (various organizations) |
PDP | Pilots Defending the Profession (Allied Pilots Association) |
PDP | Pre Departure Pee (airport restroom) |
PDP | Pretty Darn Precious |
PDP | Peraturan Dana Pensiun (Indonesian: Pension Fund Regulation) |
PDP | Profit Distribution Plan (New Zealand) |
PDP | Piecewise Deterministic Process |
PDP | Pacific Drum and Percussion |
PDP | Product Development Proposal |
PDP | Polar Data Processing |
PDP | Power Dispersion Profile |
PDP | Program Definition Phase |
PDP | Parallel Data Processor |
PDP | Preemptive Drop Policy |
PDP | Potato Development Program (Nepal) |
PDP | Programmable Display Pushbutton |
PDP | Palestine Democratic Party |
PDP | Peripheral Data Processor |
PDP | Project Delivery Partner |
PDP | Process Development Proposal |
PDP | Probabilité de Pluie (French: Probability of Rain) |
PDP | Permanent Diaconate Program (religion) |
PDP | Preconceptual Design Phase |
PDP | Primary Distribution Panel (electrical) |
PDP | Project Defined Processes |
PDP | Power Definition Phase |
PDP | Photo-Direct Plate |
PDP | Point Defence Phaser (Star Trek) |
PDP | Program Development Paper |
PDP | Phenol Disubstituted Porphyrin |
PDP | Process Deployment Process |
PDP | Pierre Dammous & Partners (est. 1978) |
PDP | Prepared Defensive Position |
PDP | Principal Development Plan |
PDP | Postural Drainage and Percussion (respiratory therapy) |
PDP | Parcel Deferral Proposal |
PDP | powder driven pin |
PDP | Performance Data Provider (California Solar Initiative) |
PDP | Plan Directeur de Projet (French: Project Plan Director) |