PVCPolyvinyl Chloride
PVCPermanent Virtual Circuit
PVCPremature Ventricular Contraction
PVCPermanent Virtual Connection
PVCPro Vice Chancellor
PVCPocket Velcro Closure
PVCProduct Value Chain
PVCPressure-Volume Curve (diagnostic test)
PVCPigment Volume Concentration
PVCParam Vir Chakra (gallantry award; India)
PVCPrivate Virtual Circuit
PVCPeripheral Vasoconstriction
PVCPublic Venture Capital
PVCPremature Ventricular Complex
PVCPrimary Visual Cortex (neurology)
PVCPoetry vs. Comedy (variety show)
PVCPhoto Voltaic Cell
PVCPulmonary Venous Congestion
PVCPrice Variation Clause
PVCPre-Veterinary Club (various schools)
PVCPrime Vendor Contract
PVCPresent Value Calculation
PVCPlayers Vacation Club (San Diego, CA)
PVCPropane Vehicle Council
PVCPotential Volume Change
PVCPleasant View Church (various locations)
PVCParent Volunteer Coordinator (various locations)
PVCProvincetown, MA, USA - Provincetown Municipal Airport (Airport Code)
PVCPerivascular Cuffing (neuropathology)
PVCPrivate Virtual Connection (BT)
PVCPsychic Vampire Codex (Michelle Belanger book)
PVCPigment Volume Content
PVCPoint of Vertical Curve
PVCPrism Video Converter (NCH software)
PVCPleasant Valley Cemetery (Crawford County, Kansas)
PVCPhotovoltaic Control
PVCPulmonary Valve Closure
PVCPressure/Vent Control
PVCPressure Vacuum Chamber
PVCPostal Vending Machine
PVCPosition and Velocity Computer
PVCPresión Venosa Capilar
PVCPerformance Value Chain
PVCPressão Venosa Arterial (Portugese)
PVCPotential Voltage Change
PVCPride of the Valley Chorus (Fox River Valley, WI, USA)
PVCPressure Volume Compensator