Acronym | Definition |
PBA | Professional Bowlers Association |
PBA | Philippine Basketball Association |
PBA | Palm Beach Atlantic University (West Palm Beach, Florida) |
PBA | Partial-Birth Abortion |
PBA | Pembina Pipeline (New York Stock Exchange symbol) |
PBA | Public Broadcasting Atlanta (Georgia, USA) |
PBA | Pennsylvania Bar Association |
PBA | Pre-Boot Authentication (computer security) |
PBA | Provincia de Buenos Aires (Argentina) |
PBA | Phone Book Access |
PBA | Pre-Crash Brake Assist |
PBA | Performance Benchmark Application |
PBA | Phone Book Administrator |
PBA | Power Basic |
PBA | Prevent Blindness America (since 1908) |
PBA | Program in Business Administration (various schools) |
PBA | Personal Bank Account |
PBA | Program-Based Approach (various organizations) |
PBA | Portland Business Alliance |
PBA | Pseudobulbar Affect (neurologic disorder) |
PBA | President of the British Academy |
PBA | Performance Based Acquisition |
PBA | Printed Board Assembly |
PBA | Personal Business Advisors (San Antonio, TX) |
PBA | Perfect Boundary Approximation |
PBA | Pine Bluff Arsenal |
PBA | Principle-Based Approach (accounting) |
PBA | Plant Breeding Academy (University of California, Davis) |
PBA | Planning and Building Act (various nations) |
PBA | Performance Based Assessment |
PBA | Peter Brett Associates (UK) |
PBA | Please Be Advised |
PBA | Patrolman's Benevolent Association |
PBA | Parallels Business Automation (software) |
PBA | Performance Based Agreement |
PBA | Pickering Baseball Association (Ontario, Canada) |
PBA | Poly-Butyl Acrylate |
PBA | Paintball Action (Albuquerque, New Mexico) |
PBA | Predictive Battlespace Awareness |
PBA | Pharmacy Benefit Administrator (various companies) |
PBA | Pacific Broadcasting Association (ministry; Japan) |
PBA | Police Benevolence Association |
PBA | Professional Bad-Ass |
PBA | Progressive Bag Alliance |
PBA | Pattern of Business Activity (business statistic) |
PBA | Perspective Based Architecture (software) |
PBA | Premium Bottled Ale |
PBA | Paralysis By Analysis |
PBA | Price-Based Acquisition |
PBA | Pressure Balance Anchor (pipe recovery tool) |
PBA | Portable Breathing Apparatus |
PBA | Pseudo-Brewster Angle (optics) |
PBA | Peter Basso Associates (Troy, MI engineering firm) |
PBA | Pervasive Backup Agent (software) |
PBA | Point Barrow Airport (Alaska) |
PBA | Pyrenebutyric Acid |
PBA | Potomac Bonsai Association (association of Bonsai Clubs in VA, MD, PA,& DC) |
PBA | Propulsion Business Area (at the former Kelly AFB, TX) |
PBA | Preliminary Benefit Analysis (EPA) |
PBA | Paid By Agent (shipping) |
PBA | Pyrrhura Breeders Association |
PBA | Production Base Analysis |
PBA | Pressure Breathing for Altitude |
PBA | Prosecutors Bar Association |
PBA | Per-Band Access (Nortel) |
PBA | Perfect Binary Array |
PBA | Pencil Beam Antenna |
PBA | Pattern-Based Approach (software architecture) |
PBA | Poultry Breeders Association |
PBA | Product Brand Architecture |
PBA | Pressurized Berthing Adapter |
PBA | push button annunciator |
PBA | Process Balance Area |
PBA | Port Based Authentication |
PBA | Printed Circuit Board Assembled (PCB with parts soldered) |
PBA | Phosphor Bronze Armour |
PBA | Physical Base Address (computer memory) |
PBA | Polar Bear Association |
PBA | Program and Budget Analysis |
PBA | Plain Balloon Angioplasty |
PBA | Pembrokeshire Baptist Association (Wales, UK) |
PBA | Piedmont Beekeepers Association (Huddleton, VA) |
PBA | Potential Bad Actor |
PBA | Post Blast Analysis |
PBA | Pattern-Based Approach |
PBA | Parsons Brinckerhoff Africa (Pty) Ltd. (engineering firm) |
PBA | Pulitzer/Bogard & Associates, LLC (Lido Beach, NY criminal justice consulting) |