PLANPeople's Liberation Army Navy (China)
PLANPosition, Location and Navigation (research group)
PLANPeople's Liberation Army of Namibia
PLANPublic Lands Action Network
PLANPrivate Lan
PLANPersonal Localized Alerting Network (US FEMA)
PLANPlanned Lifetime Assistance Network
PLANPlain Language Action Network
PLANProgressive Legislative Action Network (advocacy)
PLANPositive Life Association of Nigeria
PLANProgramming LAnguage Nineteen hundred (assembly type language)
PLANPlatform Latijnsamerika in Nederland (Dutch: Platform for Latin America in the Netherlands)
PLANParts Logistics Analysis Network
PLANPantex Local Area Network
PLANPiecewise Linear Approximation Network
PLANPayload Local Area Network