Acronym | Definition |
PRA | Physician's Recognition Award (AMA) |
PRA | Progressive Retinal Atrophy |
PRA | Postdoctoral Research Associate (various organizations) |
PRA | Prudential Regulation Authority (UK) |
PRA | Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 |
PRA | Participatory Rural Appraisal |
PRA | Probabilistic Risk Assessment |
PRA | Political Research Associates |
PRA | Pacifica Radio Archives (North Hollywood, CA) |
PRA | Public Records Act (California) |
PRA | Professional Rodeo Association (various locations) |
PRA | Plasma Renin Activity |
PRA | Physical Review A (American Physical Society journal of atomic, molecular, and optical physics) |
PRA | Pharmaceutical Research Associates (various locations) |
PRA | Pubblico Registro Automobilistico (Italy) |
PRA | Patent Reform Act of 2011 |
PRA | Programmable Resistor Array |
PRA | Physical Record Address |
PRA | Public Remote Access |
PRA | Permission Role Assignment |
PRA | Pre Release Agreement |
PRA | Parallel Routing Algorithms |
PRA | Portfolio Recovery Associates (Norfolk, VA) |
PRA | Project Risk Analysis (various organizations) |
PRA | Purported Responsible Address |
PRA | Primary Rate Access |
PRA | Panel Reactive Antibody (blood testing) |
PRA | Popular Rotorcraft Association |
PRA | Probabilistic Risk Analysis |
PRA | Poker Runs America (boating trips) |
PRA | Parental Rights Amendment |
PRA | Paint Research Association (UK) |
PRA | Presidential Records Act of 1978 |
PRA | Property Rights Alliance |
PRA | Petrol Retailers Association (UK) |
PRA | Peace River Arch (Canada) |
PRA | Pacific Racing Association (various locations) |
PRA | Permanent Resident Alien |
PRA | Policy Research and Analysis |
PRA | Participatory Rural Assessment |
PRA | Preliminary Risk Assessment |
PRA | Personal Responsibility Agreement (social security) |
PRA | Patient Record Architecture |
PRA | Pest Risk Assessments (USDA subsidiary) |
PRA | Plan de Reprise d'Activités (French: Plan Takeover Activity) |
PRA | Professional Research Assistant |
PRA | Personal Reemployment Account |
PRA | Photon Research Associates, Inc. |
PRA | Portfolio Risk Assessment (USACE) |
PRA | Premium Reimbursement Arrangement (health insurance) |
PRA | Pre-Retirement Association |
PRA | Punk Rock Aerobics |
PRA | Property Reserve Analysis |
PRA | Planned Regulatory Action |
PRA | Project Review Authority |
PRA | Panel for Regulatory Accountability |
PRA | Post-Release Analysis |
PRA | Public Restroom Anxiety (behavioral disorder) |
PRA | Probability of Raid Annihilation |
PRA | Pay Readjustment Act of 1942 |
PRA | Privileged Resource Architecture |
PRA | Patient Reporting Activity |
PRA | Particular Risk Analysis |
PRA | Propagation Research Associates |
PRA | Platte River Associates, Inc (Colorado) |
PRA | Reserve and Auxiliary Division (US DoD) |
PRA | Prenatal Risk Assessment |
PRA | Parti pour le Renouveau Algerien |
PRA | Parabolic Reflector Antenna |
PRA | Participatory Research and Analysis |
PRA | Parallel Retrograde Analysis |
PRA | Pullet Rearers Association (UK) |
PRA | Progressive Refinement Approach (algorithm) |
PRA | Polarization Rotation Angle |
PRA | Program Review Authority |
PRA | Park and Recreation Area |
PRA | Primary Retinal Atrophy |
PRA | Pay Record Accessibility |
PRA | Personal Responsibility Act of 1995 |
PRA | Personal Refund Authority |
PRA | Plutonium Recycle Acid |
PRA | Principle Research Areas (CLIVAR) |
PRA | Product Reliability Analysis |
PRA | Product Release Authorization |
PRA | Primary Reviewing Authority |
PRA | Post Refit Analysis |
PRA | Production Rate Approval |
PRA | Production Readiness Assessment |
PRA | Packet Resource Assignment |
PRA | Persistent Ranging Algorithm |
PRA | Process Amplifier Assembly |
PRA | Perception-Reason-Action (artifical intelligence) |