PRAPhysician's Recognition Award (AMA)
PRAProgressive Retinal Atrophy
PRAPostdoctoral Research Associate (various organizations)
PRAPrudential Regulation Authority (UK)
PRAPaperwork Reduction Act of 1995
PRAParticipatory Rural Appraisal
PRAProbabilistic Risk Assessment
PRAPolitical Research Associates
PRAPacifica Radio Archives (North Hollywood, CA)
PRAPublic Records Act (California)
PRAProfessional Rodeo Association (various locations)
PRAPlasma Renin Activity
PRAPhysical Review A (American Physical Society journal of atomic, molecular, and optical physics)
PRAPharmaceutical Research Associates (various locations)
PRAPubblico Registro Automobilistico (Italy)
PRAPatent Reform Act of 2011
PRAProgrammable Resistor Array
PRAPhysical Record Address
PRAPublic Remote Access
PRAPermission Role Assignment
PRAPre Release Agreement
PRAParallel Routing Algorithms
PRAPortfolio Recovery Associates (Norfolk, VA)
PRAProject Risk Analysis (various organizations)
PRAPurported Responsible Address
PRAPrimary Rate Access
PRAPanel Reactive Antibody (blood testing)
PRAPopular Rotorcraft Association
PRAProbabilistic Risk Analysis
PRAPoker Runs America (boating trips)
PRAParental Rights Amendment
PRAPaint Research Association (UK)
PRAPresidential Records Act of 1978
PRAProperty Rights Alliance
PRAPetrol Retailers Association (UK)
PRAPeace River Arch (Canada)
PRAPacific Racing Association (various locations)
PRAPermanent Resident Alien
PRAPolicy Research and Analysis
PRAParticipatory Rural Assessment
PRAPreliminary Risk Assessment
PRAPersonal Responsibility Agreement (social security)
PRAPatient Record Architecture
PRAPest Risk Assessments (USDA subsidiary)
PRAPlan de Reprise d'Activités (French: Plan Takeover Activity)
PRAProfessional Research Assistant
PRAPersonal Reemployment Account
PRAPhoton Research Associates, Inc.
PRAPortfolio Risk Assessment (USACE)
PRAPremium Reimbursement Arrangement (health insurance)
PRAPre-Retirement Association
PRAPunk Rock Aerobics
PRAProperty Reserve Analysis
PRAPlanned Regulatory Action
PRAProject Review Authority
PRAPanel for Regulatory Accountability
PRAPost-Release Analysis
PRAPublic Restroom Anxiety (behavioral disorder)
PRAProbability of Raid Annihilation
PRAPay Readjustment Act of 1942
PRAPrivileged Resource Architecture
PRAPatient Reporting Activity
PRAParticular Risk Analysis
PRAPropagation Research Associates
PRAPlatte River Associates, Inc (Colorado)
PRAReserve and Auxiliary Division (US DoD)
PRAPrenatal Risk Assessment
PRAParti pour le Renouveau Algerien
PRAParabolic Reflector Antenna
PRAParticipatory Research and Analysis
PRAParallel Retrograde Analysis
PRAPullet Rearers Association (UK)
PRAProgressive Refinement Approach (algorithm)
PRAPolarization Rotation Angle
PRAProgram Review Authority
PRAPark and Recreation Area
PRAPrimary Retinal Atrophy
PRAPay Record Accessibility
PRAPersonal Responsibility Act of 1995
PRAPersonal Refund Authority
PRAPlutonium Recycle Acid
PRAPrinciple Research Areas (CLIVAR)
PRAProduct Reliability Analysis
PRAProduct Release Authorization
PRAPrimary Reviewing Authority
PRAPost Refit Analysis
PRAProduction Rate Approval
PRAProduction Readiness Assessment
PRAPacket Resource Assignment
PRAPersistent Ranging Algorithm
PRAProcess Amplifier Assembly
PRAPerception-Reason-Action (artifical intelligence)