ASAAAmerican Sleep Apnea Association
ASAAAlaska School Activities Association
ASAAAlberta Schools' Athletic Association (Canada)
ASAAAmerican Society of Aviation Artists
ASAAAsian Studies Association of Australia, Inc.
ASAAAustralian Ski Areas Association
ASAAAmerican Society of Agricultural Appraisers
ASAAAnabaptist Sociology and Anthropology Association
ASAAAmerican Small Arms Academy
ASAAAmerican Society for Amateur Archaeology (North Andover, MA)
ASAAAssociation of Social Anthropologists of Aotearoa (New Zealand)
ASAAArizona State Auctioneers Association
ASAAArizona State Archery Association
ASAAAssessment of Student Academic Achievement
ASAAAs Soon as Available
ASAAArkansas Security Alarm Association
ASAAAromatic Sulfonic Acids Association
ASAAAdvanced Spacecraft Avionics Architecture
ASAAAustralian Stone Advisory Association Ltd
ASAAArkansas Sociological and Anthropological Association
ASAAAll-State Alumni Association
ASAAAlaska State Archery Association
ASAAACARS System Access Approval (AEEC)
ASAAAdvanced Security and Application Access
ASAAAssistant Sergeant-At-Arms
ASAAAllied Supply Accounting Agency
ASAAAlberta Scottish Athletic Association (Canada)
ASAAAlliance for Sexual Assault Awareness
ASAAAirman Apprentice, Aviation Support Equipment Technician Striker (Naval Rating)