SIGMASoftware Industrialized Generation and Maintenance Aids
SIGMASign and Mac
SIGMASociety of Independent Gasoline Marketers of America
SIGMASupport for Improvement in Governance and Management (EU, OECD)
SIGMASealed Insulating Glass Manufacturers Association
SIGMASystème d'Imagerie Gamma à Masque Alèatoire (French: Random Gamma Imaging System Mask)
SIGMASocio-Sexual Investigations of Gay Men and Aids (longitudinal study, England and Wales)
SIGMAScience de l’Information Géoréférencée pour la Maîtrise de l’environnement et l’Aménagement des territoires
SIGMASimulation Guided Memory Analyzer
SIGMASediment Identification for Geotechnics by Marine Acoustics
SIGMASequential Information Gathering in Machines and Animals
SIGMASpecial Interest Group on Multimedia/Medical Applications
SIGMAGas-Particle Interactions in a Microgravity Flow Cell
SIGMASoftware Industrialized Generator & Maintenance Aids
SIGMASite Information Generation & Materiel Accountability Plan
SIGMAStrategic Information for Global Markets in Agrochemicals
SIGMAStudent Information & Grades Management Application (University of British Columbia; Vancouver, BC, Canada)