PLCaprimary liver cancer
PLCaProduct Life Cycle Assessment
PLCaPublic Limited Companies Act
PLCaProduct Life-Cycle Analysis
PLCaProtection of Lawful Commerce in Arms (act)
PLCaPremier League Clubs Association (Jamaica)
PLCaPipe Line Contractors Association (Dallas, Texas)
PLCaProcess Life Cycle Assessment
PLCaProfessional Lawn Care Association of America (also seen as PLCAA)
PLCaPennsylvania Legislative Correspondents Association
PLCaPacific Leatherback Conservation Area (est. 2001)
PLCaPower Line Communications Association
PLCaprimary localised cutaneous amyloidosis
PLCaPrimary Localized Cutaneous Amyloidosis
PLCaPanasonic Logistics Company of America
PLCaPower Line Communication Analyzer
PLCaPrivacy Law Consulting Australia
PLCaProgram for Linguistic Content Analysis
PLCaProgrammable Logic Cell Array
PLCaPrototype License and Confidentiality Agreement (Apple)
PLCaPine Lake Cultural Affairs (Pine Lake, GA)
PLCaPermanent Landscape Calculation Area
PLCaPelican Landing Community Association, Inc. (Bonita Springs, Florida)
PLCaPhotographic Left Circular Analyzer
PLCaPurchase Ledger Control Account
PLCaProfessional Learning Community Assessment
PLCapatient-level cost allocation
PLCaPrivate Line Connecting Arrangement
PLCaPay, Leave and Compensatory Allowances
PLCaPoint Lonsdale Civic Association (Victoria, Australia)
PLCaPuslinch Lake Conservation Association (Ontario, Canada)
PLCaPleioblastus Chino Angustifolius
PLCaPlant Cactus
PLCaProgramme-Level Conflict Assessment (UK)
PLCaPlagiothecium Cavifolium
PLCaPaudash Lake Conservation Association (Canada)
PLCaPipeline Connection Assembly
PLCaProbit Latent Class Analysis
PLCaParks and Land Certainty Act (Canada)
PLCaPastel Little Country Ashley
PLCaPaul Cox Architects
PLCaParadise Lakes Condominium Association (Land O' Lakes, Florida)
PLCaParallel Line Communication Adapter
PLCaProctor Lake Community Association
PLCaPractice Learning Change Agents
PLCaPureland Learning College Association (Taiwan)
PLCaPennsylvania Labor Communications Association
PLCaPatient-Level Cost Accounting
PLCaPhobjikha Landscape Conservation Area (Bhutan)
PLCaPublic Libraries Concerted Action
PLCaPrior Lake Center for the Arts (Prior Lake, MN)
PLCaPrior Learning and Competence Assessment (SCUBA diving)
PLCaPekin Lake Conservation Area
PLCaPort Lavaca Calhoun
PLCaParents' Local Community Alliance (UK)
PLCaPennsylvania Lawn Care Association
PLCaprimed lymphocyte cytotoxicity assay
PLCaProgressive Learning Christian Academy (Chicago, IL)
PLCaPrimary Lateral Chromatic Aberration
PLCaPreparatory Launch Command Alpha
PLCaPlan, Learn, Check, Act