PFLApyruvate formate lyase activating
PFLAPrivate Forest Landowners Association
PFLAPhospholipid Fatty Acid
PFLAPaid Family Leave Act
PFLAPublicly Funded Legal Assistance
PFLAProfessional Faculty Leadership Association
PFLAPeople's Front for Liberation of Arabistan
PFLAProject Financing and Loan Agreement
PFLAParental and Family Leave Act
PFLApneumonie franche lobaire aiguë
PFLAProfessional Family Living Arrangements
PFLAParents For Legal Action (UK)
PFLAPathogenic Free-Living Amoebae
PFLAProgrammable Fuzzy Logic Array
PFLAPrivate Forest Land Act (Canada)
PFLAPatricia Freedman Literacy Academy (Bristol, VA)
PFLAParadise Falls Lutheran Association (est. 1922; Cresco, PA)
PFLAPath for Limited Achievement