PFMPublic Financial Management
PFMPlanning and Financial Management (budgeting)
PFMPorcelain Fused to Metal
PFMPortfolio Management
PFMPulse Frequency Modulation
PFMPacific Fast Mail (model railroads; Seattle, WA)
PFMPremiata Forneria Marconi (band)
PFMPlan For Maintenance
PFMPray for Me
PFMPersonal Finance Manager
PFMProgram Financial Management
PFMProcess Facility Modification
PFMPersonal File Manager
PFMPostscript Font Metrics
PFMPlease Forgive Me
PFMProdukte für Die Medizin AG (medical equipment producer, Cologne, Germany)
PFMPrison Fellowship Ministries
PFMPrinter Font Metrics
PFMPicture Framing Magazine
PFMPulsed Force Mode
PFMProvident Fund Management (software)
PFMPension Funds Management (various locations)
PFMPortal Farmaceutyczno-Medyczny (Polish: Pharmaceutical and Medical Portal)
PFMPelvic Floor Muscle
PFMPipe Facing Machine (various companies)
PFMProto-Flight Model (NASA satellite model)
PFMProfessional Flight Management
PFMProcess Flow Model
PFMPink Floyd Meddle (album)
PFMPitchfork Media (online music review)
PFMPeyton Freaking Manning (football player)
PFMPre-Flight Message
PFMPen for Men (Sheaffer fountain pen)
PFMParietal Foramina
PFMPink Fish Media (music forum)
PFMProject Formulation Manager
PFMPorsche Flug Motor (automobiles)
PFMProgressive Future Music (band)
PFMParticipatory Forestry Management
PFMPremises Facilities Management
PFMPure Freaking Magic (polite form)
PFMProximity Fragmentation Mine (Turok 2 game)
PFMPower Factor Module
PFMPacket Forwarding Module
PFMPort Filtering Mode
PFMPrecision Flight Mode
PFMPersonnel Files Maintenance
PFMParts Forecasting Model
PFMPhilippine Faith Mission (Zambales, Philippines)
PFMProspective Faculty Member
PFMPolyurethane Fiberglass Mat
PFMProbabilistic Forecast Model
PFMPotential Fresh Meat (roller derby)
PFMPostal Finance Marts (India)
PFMPrefaulted Module
PFMPro-Active Fault Management
PFMProcess Facilities Modification
PFMPreventive Fleet Maintenance (Indianapolis, IN)
PFMProxy Formation Model (paleoclimate research)