OLEObject Linking & Embedding
OLEOffice of Law Enforcement (various organizations)
OLEOpen Library Environment
OLEOutdoor Learning Environment (various locations)
OLEOpen-Label Extension (clinical trials)
OLEon Line Entry
OLEObject Linking and Embedding
OLEOperation Lifesaver Estonia
OLEOverall Labor Effectiveness (performance indicator)
OLEOpen Learning Exchange
OLEOrix Leasing Egypt (Alexandria, Egypt)
OLEOn-Line Entry
OLEOrganizational Leadership for Executives
OLEObject Linking Environment
OLEOverhead Line Electrification
OLEOffice of Legal Education
OLEOn-Line Learning Environment
OLEOnline Language Environments
OLEOptical Label Encoder
OLEOptics and Laser Europe (magazine)
OLEOff-Line Entry
OLEOliver Leaf Extract