PSVPlayStation Vita (gaming system; Sony)
PSVPharaoh's Servant (Yu-Gi-Oh cards)
PSVPublic Service Vehicle (bus driver's license in GB)
PSVPhilips Sport Vereniging
PSVPlatform Supply Vessel
PSVPressure Support Ventilation
PSVPower Save Mode
PSVPeak Systolic Velocity
PSVPolished Stone Value
PSVPetit St. Vincent (St. Vincent and the Grenadines)
PSVPressure Safety Valve
PSVPotential Sales Value
PSVPensions-Sicherungs-Verein (German: Mutual Insurance Association)
PSVPassive Stack Ventilation
PSVPrimary Source Verification (credential research)
PSVPeanut Stunt Virus
PSVPromesse Synallagmatique de Vente (French: Promise Indenture Sale)
PSVPanasonic Sales Vietnam
PSVPolysaccharide Vaccine
PSVPlatform Support Vessel (off shore oil services)
PSVPublic Service Value
PSVPseudo Spin Valve (magnetics)
PSVPoetry Society of Virginia
PSVParticle Streak Velocimetry
PSVPersonen Nahverkehr (German: Shortway People Transportation)
PSVProspect Street Ventures
PSVVerordnung Zur Sicherstellung des Postwesens (German)
PSVParola, Spirito e Vita (Italian: Word, Spirit and Life; Christian journal)
PSVProject Shared Vision
PSVProcess Safety Valve
PSVPolice Support Volunteer (British Police Force; UK)
PSVProgressieve Suriname Volkspartij (Suriname Progressive People's Party)
PSVPossible Severe Violation
PSVPort Sherry Vermouth
PSVPeak Saccadic Velocity (medicine)
PSVPlanned Special Visit
PSVPersonal Space Violation
PSVPolitics of Sexual Violence (class)
PSVPipe Separated Value (file format)
PSVProduction System Verification
PSVPartículas Semelhantes a Vírus (Portugese)
PSVPreliminary Site Visits
PSVPer Seconde Vervelender (Dutch)
PSVPattern Similarity Value (granule size distribuition)
PSVPart System Viewer