Acronym | Definition |
PDW | Parallel Data Warehouse (Microsoft) |
PDW | Proton Density-Weighted |
PDW | Professional Draw |
PDW | Package and Deployment Wizard |
PDW | Package and Deployment Wizard (Visual Basic 6.0 tool) |
PDW | Personal Defense Weapon |
PDW | Platelet Distribution Width |
PDW | Personal Development Workshop (various organizations) |
PDW | Physical Damage Waiver |
PDW | Project Definition Workshop (Project Management) |
PDW | Power Drive Woofer |
PDW | Passive Death Wish (psychiatry) |
PDW | Procurement, Defense Wide |
PDW | Packaged Drinking Water |
PDW | Personal Data Warehouse |
PDW | Phosphate Development Works |
PDW | Proposal Development Worksheet |
PDW | Pennsylvania Department of Welfare |
PDW | Pump, Deionized Water |
PDW | Per Discussion With |
PDW | Pulse Descriptive Word |
PDW | Procurement Data Warehouse (Australia) |
PDW | Program Development Workstation |
PDW | Program Director, Warfare |
PDW | Product Development Web |
PDW | Prairie Dogs of War (airsoft team; Canada) |
PDW | Prestige Dawning Wheels |