Acronym | Definition |
SIT | Situation |
SIT | School for International Training (Brattleboro, VT, USA) |
SIT | Stay in Touch |
SIT | Special Investigation Team (India) |
SIT | Slovenian Tolar (currency code) |
SIT | School Improvement Team |
SIT | School of Information Technology |
SIT | Situate |
SIT | State Income Tax |
SIT | Somewhere in Time (Iron Maiden album) |
SIT | Sistema Informativo Territoriale |
SIT | Speak in Tongues |
SIT | Situs Inversus Totalis (congenital condition) |
SIT | Stay in Tune (guitar string company) |
SIT | School of Industrial Technology |
SIT | Stevens Institute of Technology |
SIT | Sterile Insect Technique |
SIT | Say It Twice (band) |
SIT | Surveyor in Training |
SIT | Strategic Information Technology |
SIT | Single Ink Technology |
SIT | System Integration Testing |
SIT | Stuff-It |
SIT | System Identification Toolbox (software) |
SIT | Southbank Institute of Technology (Australia) |
SIT | Saitama Institute of Technology (Japan) |
SIT | Science Innovation Technology (various locations) |
SIT | Storage In Transit |
SIT | Suvidya Institute of Technology (India) |
SIT | Social Identity Theory |
SIT | Specific Immunotherapy |
SIT | Système d'Information Territorial (French: Territorial Information System) |
SIT | Safety Improvement Team (various locations) |
SIT | System Integration Test |
SIT | Stress Inoculation Training (psychological approach to stress) |
SIT | Simple Internet Transition |
SIT | Scottish Investment Trust |
SIT | Static Induction Transistor |
SIT | Special Information Tone(s) |
SIT | Slosson Intelligence Test |
SIT | System Integration & Testing |
SIT | Silicon Intensified Target |
SIT | Satellite Interactive Terminal |
SIT | Situation Reporting System |
SIT | Shuttle Interface Test (US NASA) |
SIT | Special Interest Target (US DoD) |
SIT | Stock in Transit |
SIT | Sepang Institute of Technology (Malaysia) |
SIT | System Initialization Table |
SIT | Software/Hardware Integration |
SIT | Sydney Institute of Technology |
SIT | Structured Inventive Thinking |
SIT | Surface Interval Time (SCUBA) |
SIT | Swiss Institute of Technology (ETH) |
SIT | Slayer in Training |
SIT | Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus and Teres minor (muscles) |
SIT | Site Inspection Team |
SIT | System Integration Team |
SIT | Sharjah Institute of Technology |
SIT | Spectrum Information Technologies |
SIT | School Infrastructure Thrift |
SIT | Spontaneous Ignition Temperature |
SIT | Software Integration Test |
SIT | Site Integration Test |
SIT | Stuffit Document (File Name Extension) |
SIT | Sitka, AK, USA - Sitka (airport code) |
SIT | Shift Into Turbo |
SIT | Stationary Infantry Target (US Army training) |
SIT | Safety Injection Tank |
SIT | Sugar Industry Technologists, Inc. |
SIT | Système Intelligent de Transport (French: Intelligent Transpiration System; Canada) |
SIT | Shanghai Institute of Tourism |
SIT | Site Improvement Team |
SIT | Società Italiana Di Tossicologia (Italian: Italian Society of Toxicology) |
SIT | System Implementation Team (NASA) |
SIT | Strategy Implementation Team (CEOS) |
SIT | Squadron Integration Training (US DoD) |
SIT | Swedish Institute of Technology (Helsinki, Sweden) |
SIT | Sample Injection Tube (flow cytometers) |
SIT | Syndicat Interprofessionnel de Travailleuses et Travailleurs - Genève (Switzerland) |
SIT | Strategic Information Technology, Ltd (Whitchurch-stouffville, ON, Canada) |
SIT | Société Industrielle de Transformateurs (French: Industrial Transformer Company) |
SIT | Superintendecia de Telecomunicaciones (Guatemala Central America) |
SIT | Select in Test |
SIT | Spacecraft Interface Test |
SIT | Secondary Instability Theory |
SIT | Satellite Inspector Target |
SIT | Scientific Integrated Test |
SIT | Spaceborne Infrared Tracker |
SIT | Sprint in Touch |
SIT | Systems Interface Test |
SIT | Statement of Inventory Transaction |
SIT | Standard Infiltration Tactics (Tom Clancy) |
SIT | System Interoperability Test |
SIT | Subcarrier Irrespective Threshold |
SIT | Super Intendencia de Telecomunicaciones (Guatemala Central America) |
SIT | Signal Identification Technique |