Acronym | Definition |
PBD | Polo-Box Domain (cell biology) |
PBD | Piano Bass Drums (band) |
PBD | Partners by Design (various locations) |
PBD | Power Builder Dynamic Library |
PBD | Progressive Blog Digest (politics) |
PBD | Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (India) |
PBD | Program Budget Decision |
PBD | Polybutadiene |
PBD | Permanent Brain Damage (medical condition) |
PBD | Performance Based Design |
PBD | Phi Beta Delta (honor society for international scholars) |
PBD | Pretty Big Deal |
PBD | Payload Bay Door (US NASA) |
PBD | Platform-Based Design |
PBD | Program Budget Division (US Army) |
PBD | Palm Beach Downs (Florida) |
PBD | Privacy by Design (UK) |
PBD | Peroxisome Biogenesis Disorder |
PBD | Powerbuilder Dynamic Library (software) |
PBD | Progressive Beer Duty (UK) |
PBD | Personal Business Development (various companies) |
PBD | Post Boogie Depression (skydiving letdown) |
PBD | Personal Business Day (various organizations) |
PBD | Program Budget Directive |
PBD | Plant Based Diet |
PBD | Place Bearing/Distance (way point) |
PBD | pairwise balanced design |
PBD | Post-Baccalaureate Diploma (Canadian University Credential) |
PBD | Parallel Beam Diffractometer (X-Ray diffraction) |
PBD | Passenger Berth Days (cruises) |
PBD | Professional Building Designer |
PBD | Price Breakdown |
PBD | Plans and Budget Division |
PBD | Public Buildings Department |
PBD | Partia Bashkimi Demokrat Shqipëtar (party of democratic union; Kosovo, now LPK) |
PBD | Probably Been Done |
PBD | POETS Bottle Drive |
PBD | Polski Batalion Dywersyjny (Polish: Polish Diversionary Battalion; gaming) |
PBD | Parallel Block-Decodable |
PBD | Program Baseline Document |
PBD | Product Baseline Description |
PBD | Provision for Bad Debts |
PBD | Prescriptive Building Designs |
PBD | Pot Belly Deli (Concord, CA) |