Acronym | Definition |
PBF | Peacebuilding Fund (UN) |
PBF | Perry Bible Fellowship (online comic; also seen as TPBF) |
PBF | Poplar Bluff (Amtrak station code; Poplar Bluff, MO) |
PBF | Percent Body Fat |
PBF | Pretty Boy Floyd (Floyd Mayweather, boxer) |
PBF | Peripheral Blood Film |
PBF | Public Budget Formulation |
PBF | Pulmonary Blood Flow |
PBF | Performance-Based Funding (various organizations) |
PBF | Precious Bodily Fluids |
PBF | Plaque-Biofilm (mouthwash; Biotene) |
PBF | Perfect Boyfriend |
PBF | Play-By-Forum (game) |
PBF | Plastic Bag Free (movement to ban plastic bags in the UK) |
PBF | Power Burst Facility |
PBF | Professional Bass Fishing |
PBF | Paraplegic Benefit Fund (Australia) |
PBF | Professional Beauty Federation |
PBF | Play Boyfriend (Internet chat) |
PBF | Prevent Blindness Foundation (Australia) |
PBF | Passband Filter |
PBF | Pizza Box Flyer |
PBF | Policy-Based Filtering |
PBF | Python Business Forum |
PBF | Pretend Boyfriend |
PBF | Permanent Buildings and Foundations |
PBF | Public Benefit Flying |
PBF | People's Burn Foundation |
PBF | Permanent Bitch Face |
PBF | Positive Balance File (finance) |
PBF | Percentage of Bone Fill |
PBF | Peninsula Bible Fellowship (Bremerton, WA) |
PBF | Peanut Butter Fudge (dessert) |
PBF | Planet Battlefield Forums |
PBF | Promoter Binding Factor |
PBF | Potential Boyfriend |
PBF | Punjab Boundary Force (Indian Army) |
PBF | Pump, Boiler Feed |
PBF | Pilot Briefing Facility |
PBF | Primitive Bridge Function |
PBF | Partially-Bent Function |
PBF | Physical Basis Function |
PBF | Protocol Boosters Framework |
PBF | Pittsburgh Bureau Fire |
PBF | Phichani Bodharamik Foundation for Children and Seniors (Thailand) |