ORTOrnithobacterium Rhinotracheale (bacillus)
ORTOxford Reading Tree (UK)
ORTOutbreak Response Team (various locations)
ORTOpioid Replacement Therapy (medical procedure)
ORTOral Rehydration Therapy
ORTOdor Recognition Test (National Association of Canine Scent Work)
ORTOrchestra Regionale Toscana (Italian: Tuscany Regional Orchestra; Tuscany, Italy)
ORTOpen Road Tolling (electronic toll roadways)
ORTOngoing Reliability Testing
ORTOut of Range Type
ORTOld Republic Title (real estate title insurance)
ORTOverall Response Time
ORTOperation Restore Trust
ORTOff-Road Technology (vehicles)
ORTOhana Reef Towers (Hawaii)
ORTOperational Readiness Test
ORTOngoing Reliability Test(ing)
ORTOrganization for Educational Resources and Technological Training
ORTOzark Regional Transit (Arkansas)
ORTObject Relations Technique
ORTObject Recognition Test
ORTOptical Relay Tube
ORTOther Recurrent Transactions
ORTObschestvo Remeslenovo i Zemledelcheskovo Trouda (Russian: The Society for Trades and Agricultural Labour)
ORTOrthodromic Reciprocating Tachycardia (cardiology)
ORTOperational Readiness Training
ORTOriginal Reference Tree (property)
ORTObshchestvennoe Rossiiskoe Televidenie (Russian Public Television)
ORTOverland Radar Technology
ORTOrigin Rail Terminal
ORTOperationally Ready Time
ORTOver Roof-Top (electromagnetic wave propagation)
ORTOperation Room Technician (medical)
ORTOperational Reliability Test
ORTOwners Requirement Table (AVIONICS)
ORTOperational Requirements Tool
ORTOperand Rename Table
ORTOptimized Reverse-Tree