Acronym | Definition |
OGA | Office of the General Assembly |
OGA | Office Genuine Advantage (Microsoft) |
OGA | Ogallala, Nebraska (airport code) |
OGA | Ordinary General Assembly (various organizations) |
OGA | Ontwikkelingsbedrijf (Dutch) |
OGA | Office Genuine Advantage |
OGA | Other Government Agency |
OGA | Oregon Gymnastics Academy (Beaverton, OR) |
OGA | Online Gaming Alliance |
OGA | Open Graded Asphalt (surfacing material) |
OGA | Ontario Gerontology Association (Ontario, Canada) |
OGA | Obstetrical & Gynecological Associates (various locations) |
OGA | Oracle Grants Accounting (financial software) |
OGA | Oil and Gas Advisory (publication) |
OGA | Outer Gimbal Angle |
OGA | Outer Gimbal Axis (US NASA) |
OGA | Old Growth Area (land management) |
OGA | Online Gaming Addicts (gaming clan) |
OGA | Organismos Georgikon Asfaliseon (Greek Agriculture Social Security) |
OGA | Original Game Audio |
OGA | Online Gamers Association |
OGA | Orthogonal Greedy Algorithm |
OGA | Organized Grab Ass |
OGA | Österreichische Gesellschaft für Angiologie (Austrian Society of Angiology) |