Acronym | Definition |
PWL | Preemptive Wear Leveling (Western Digital) |
PWL | Password List (Windows System File Extension .pwl) |
PWL | Passwords List |
PWL | Powerline |
PWL | Pending Write Log |
PWL | Pumping Water Level (well measurement) |
PWL | Piece-Wise Linear |
PWL | Percent within Limits (paving material quality) |
PWL | Paint With Lead (construction) |
PWL | Persistent Weak Layer (avalanche science) |
PWL | Petroleum and Water Logistics |
PWL | Personal Watch List (stock tracking) |
PWL | Protection Whole Life (insurance policy) |
PWL | Physical Wavelength Link |
PWL | Power Watt Level (acoustic units of measurement) |
PWL | Proposed Well Location |
PWL | Peed While Laughing |