Acronym | Definition |
PMV | Picture Music Video |
PMV | Pony Music Video |
PMV | Prediction Motion Vector |
PMV | Predicted Mean Vote |
PMV | Paramyxovirus |
PMV | Partial Molar Volume |
PMV | Prüfmittelverwaltung (German: Test Equipment) |
PMV | Personal Mobility Vehicle (electric scooters) |
PMV | Panneaux à Messages Variables (French: Variable Message Signs; computerized road signs) |
PMV | Private Motor Vehicle |
PMV | Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation |
PMV | Public Motor Vehicle (transportation) |
PMV | Passy-Muir Valve (tracheostomy speaking valve) |
PMV | Present Market Value |
PMV | Passenger Motor Vehicle (Australian government) |
PMV | Plant Machinery and Vehicles (construction) |
PMV | Post Market Vigilance |
PMV | Pulse Motor Valve (air conditioning) |
PMV | Porlamar, Venezuela - Gral Santiago Marino (Airport Code) |
PMV | Proteomics and Metabolomics Victoria (Victoria, Australia) |
PMV | Price Mix Volume |
PMV | Pea Mosaic Virus |
PMV | Predicted Motion Vector |
PMV | Parcels & Miscellaneous Van (UK railways) |
PMV | Pulmonary Microvascular Pressure |
PMV | Parliamentary Medal of Valor (Honor Harrington science fiction novels) |
PMV | Mitral Valve Prolapse, Familial |
PMV | Private Market Valuation |
PMV | Production Master Valve |
PMV | Preventative Maintenance Visit |
PMV | Pre Move Visit |
PMV | Pierson's Milk Vetch (plant species) |
PMV | Pressure Monitoring Valve |
PMV | Pressure Modulation Valve |
PMV | Project MultiVitamin (band) |
PMV | Pure Multi-Visit |
PMV | Parcels and Miscellaneous Van (British Southern Railway) |
PMV | Paralyzed and Mechanically Ventilated |
PMV | Precision Measurement Vehicle |