Acronym | Definition |
PNA | Palestinian National Authority |
PNA | Phoneline Networking Alliance |
PNA | Peptide Nucleic Acid |
PNA | Palestinian News Agency |
PNA | Pneumonia |
PNA | Partai Nasional Aceh (Indonesian political party) |
PNA | Parties to the Nauru Agreement (fishing industry; various nations) |
PNA | Pilkington North America (glass supplier; US and Canada) |
PNA | Probability Networks and Algorithms |
PNA | Program Neighborhood Agent |
PNA | Programmable Network Access |
PNA | Phoneline Network Adapter |
PNA | Portable Network Audio |
PNA | Portable Network Analyzer |
PNA | Progressive Networks Audio |
PNA | Personal Navigation Assistant |
PNA | Pituitary Network Association |
PNA | Pacific/North American |
PNA | Permasteelisa North America (various locations) |
PNA | Polish National Alliance (established 1880 in Chicago, Illinois) |
PNA | Prefectura Naval Argentina (Argentina Coast Guard) |
PNA | Personal Needs Allowance |
PNA | Prevention Needs Assessment |
PNA | Popular North America (est. 1984; Puerto Rico) |
PNA | Peyamner News Agency (Kurdistan) |
PNA | Polynuclear Aromatics |
PNA | Person Needing Assistance |
PNA | Professional National Accountant |
PNA | Parque Natural da Arrábida (Portugal) |
PNA | Pennsylvania Nurses Association |
PNA | Pioneer North America, Inc. |
PNA | Performance Network Analyzer (Agilent Technologies, Inc.) |
PNA | Pamplona, Spain - Pamplona - Noain (Airport Code) |
PNA | Principles of Naval Architecture (Society of Naval Architects & Marine Engineers reference) |
PNA | Progressive Neuronal Abiotrophy (nerve disorder in dogs) |
PNA | Philippine Nurses Association Inc. |
PNA | Partial Nail Avulsion (ingrown toenail treatment) |
PNA | Plan National d'Allocation (French: National Allocation Plan; Kyoto Protocol) |
PNA | Pacto de No Agresión (Spanish) |
PNA | Passed but Not Advanced |
PNA | Pages Needing Attention (Wikipedia) |
PNA | Pocket Navigation Assistant |
PNA | Peptide Nucleic Acid Oligomer (biochemistry) |
PNA | Paraffins, Naphthenes, and Aromatics |
PNA | Planul National de Actiune (Romania) |
PNA | Pensamiento Numérico y Algebráico (Spanish) |
PNA | Private Non-Custodial Agency (children's services) |
PNA | Phase Noise Analysis |
PNA | Planned Not Authorized |
PNA | Principal Naval Architect |
PNA | Parchetul Naþional Anticorupþie (Romania) |
PNA | Phone Number Administration |
PNA | Psychiatric Nursing Association of Ireland (UK) |
PNA | Partial Net Area (United States Coast Guard) |
PNA | Post Nasal Aspirate |
PNA | Public News Article |
PNA | Persistent Nerve Agent |
PNA | Principle of Non-Aggression |
PNA | Pre-Negotiation Agreement (contract) |