OLSOur Lady of Sorrows (various organizations)
OLSOrdinary Least Squares
OLSOperation Lifesaver (various locations)
OLSOnline Linguistic Support (Erasmus)
OLSOttawa Linux Symposium
OLSOracle Label Security
OLSOpen Linux Server
OLSOntology Lookup Service
OLSon Line Service
OLSOperational Level System
OLSon Line Shopping
OLSon Line Storage
OLSon Line Solutions
OLSon Line System
OLSOff Line State
OLSOriginating Line Screening
OLSOpen Learning Support
OLSon Line Subscription Service
OLSon Line Short
OLSOff Line System
OLSon Line Submission
OLSon Line Survey
OLSOnline Service
OLSOperation Lifeline Sudan
OLSOffice of Legislative Services (various governments)
OLSOperational Linescan System
OLSOleander Leaf Scorch (plant disease)
OLSOnline Library System
OLSOnline System
OLSOrganizational Leadership and Supervision
OLSOracle Label Security (software feature)
OLSOne-Leg-Stand (field sobriety test)
OLSOutlaw Star (anime series)
OLSOnline Learning System
OLSOrix Leasing Singapore
OLSOn Line Support
OLSOptical Landing System
OLSOntario Land Surveyor (Ontario, Canada)
OLSOptical Line System
OLSOpen Location Services
OLSOperational Line Scanner
OLSOil Logistics Systems (Japan)
OLSOur Little Secret Corp. (Canada)
OLSOrthogonal Least Square
OLSOne Local Summer
OLSOptical Line Scanner
OLSOptical LAN (Local Area Network) Solutions (Verizon)
OLSOrbital Launch Services
OLSOuter Letter Sheet (philatelic term)
OLSOptical Link System
OLSOff-Line Settling
OLSOverlap Save Algorithm
OLSOL Slaton (Junior High School; Lubbock, TX)
OLSOperation Liberty Shield
OLSOrder of the Lion of Styria (apostolic religious order; Northridge, CA)
OLSOwn Label Supply (UK pharmacy)