REALRevised European American Lymphoma
REALRealize Everybody Ain't Loyal
REALRace and Ethnic Ancestry Law (journal)
REALRealistic, Equal, Active, for Life (women's organization; Canada)
REALRéseau Européen des Associations de Professeurs de Langues (French: European Network of Language Teacher Associations; EU)
REALRemote Electronic Access for Libraries
REALRhymes Equal Actual Life (rapper KRS-One; circa 1990)
REALRural Economic Assistance League (Texas)
REALRural Education and Action for Liberation (India)
REALRecreation Excellence at Army Lakes (CELRN program)
REALReserve Education And Learning
REALRoutine Economic Airlift
REALRadical Extreme Athletes League
REALRespect, Equality, Awareness and Learning (University of Georgia debates)
REALRule Extraction As Learning (neural networks)