Acronym | Definition |
PASC | Pacific Area Standards Congress |
PASC | Pan American Standards Commission |
PASC | Problèmes Actuels de Sciences Criminelles (French: Current Issues in Criminal Sciences) |
PASC | Provost Academy South Carolina (Columbia, SC) |
PASC | Portable Application Standards Committee (IEEE committee developing POSIX family of standards) |
PASC | Precision Adaptive Subband Coding |
PASC | Planarian Adult Stem Cell |
PASC | Palo Alto Soccer Club |
PASC | Polar Atmospheric and Snow Chemistry |
PASC | PsychoAcoustic SoundClash |
PASC | Pennsylvania Association of Student Council |
PASC | Perceptual Audio Sub-Band Coding |
PASC | Peace Arch Soccer Club (British Columbia, Canada) |
PASC | Potential Airplane Safety Concern |
PASC | PCS Access Service for Controllers (Telcordia) |
PASC | Project Accompaniment and Solidarity with Colombia |