PASCPacific Area Standards Congress
PASCPan American Standards Commission
PASCProblèmes Actuels de Sciences Criminelles (French: Current Issues in Criminal Sciences)
PASCProvost Academy South Carolina (Columbia, SC)
PASCPortable Application Standards Committee (IEEE committee developing POSIX family of standards)
PASCPrecision Adaptive Subband Coding
PASCPlanarian Adult Stem Cell
PASCPalo Alto Soccer Club
PASCPolar Atmospheric and Snow Chemistry
PASCPsychoAcoustic SoundClash
PASCPennsylvania Association of Student Council
PASCPerceptual Audio Sub-Band Coding
PASCPeace Arch Soccer Club (British Columbia, Canada)
PASCPotential Airplane Safety Concern
PASCPCS Access Service for Controllers (Telcordia)
PASCProject Accompaniment and Solidarity with Colombia