Acronym | Definition |
PFO | Patent Foramen Ovale (defect of the heart) |
PFO | Principal Federal Official (US DHS) |
PFO | Proxy Factory Object |
PFO | Product Function Optimizer |
PFO | Persistent Felony Offender (various states) |
PFO | Pyrolysis Fuel Oil |
PFO | Playing for Others (teen development program; Charlotte, NC) |
PFO | Pittsburgh Field Office (Pennsylvania) |
PFO | Pinedale Field Office (US DOI) |
PFO | Persistent Foramen Ovale (cardiology) |
PFO | Power Fail Output |
PFO | Paphos, Cyprus - International (Airport Code) |
PFO | Pissed Fell Over (UK medical slang for drunk patient) |
PFO | Profit From Operations |
PFO | Pyruvate:Ferredoxin Oxidoreductase |
PFO | Perron-Frobenius Operator |
PFO | Pinyon Flat Observatory (earthquake reporting station) |
PFO | Property and Fiscal Office |
PFO | Plutonium Finishing Operation |
PFO | Pink Floyd Online (fan site) |
PFO | Palustrine Forest (environmental science) |
PFO | Please Frig Off (polite form, as in a PFO letter for a refused resume) |
PFO | Paint Flag Offset (marking underground utilities) |
PFO | Project Formulation Office (NASA) |