Acronym | Definition |
OGE | Orange (Amtrak station code; Orange, CA) |
OGE | Office of Government Ethics |
OGE | Oklahoma Gas and Electric |
OGE | Ordre des Géomètres Experts (French: College of Chartered Surveyors) |
OGE | Out of Ground Effect |
OGE | Osaka Gas Engineering Co., Ltd. (Japan) |
OGE | Oficina General de Epidemiologia (Spanish: General Office of Epidemiology; Ministry of Health; Lima, Peru) |
OGE | Outdoor Gear Exchange |
OGE | Office de Génie Écologique (French: Ecological Engineering Office; est. 1990) |
OGE | Operational Ground Equipment |
OGE | Österreichische Gesellschaft für Erdbebeningenieurwesen Und Baudynamik (Austrian Association for Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics) |
OGE | Optogalvanic Effect |
OGE | Office of Global Education |
OGE | Oilthigh na Gaidhealtachd's nan Eilean (Gaelic: University of the Highlands and Islands; UK) |
OGE | Ohioans for Growth and Equality |
OGE | Operating Ground Equipment |
OGE | Federation of Greek Women (Greek acronym) |
OGE | Online Geoscience Education |
OGE | Office of Gender Equity |
OGE | Objective Grating Electronics |
OGE | Order of Gwynfor Evans |
OGE | Our Geologic Environment |
OGE | Optical Gigabit Ethernet |
OGE | Optical Gain Equalization (Sycamore) |