PPPowerPoint (Microsoft)
PPParcel Post
PPPrepaid (shipping)
PPPiss Poor
PPPianissimo (music)
PPProfile Picture
PPPapua New Guinea
PPPing Pong
PPPer Person
PPPeter Pan
PPPoint to Point
PPPom Pom (cartoon character)
PPPower Plant (aircraft engine)
PPPrimo Piano (Italian: Close-Up; photography and filmmaking)
PPPayPal (electronic payment website)
PPPartido Popular (Spanish political party)
PPPersonal Property
PPPeer to Peer
PPPerson to Person
PPPink Panther
PPPittsburgh Penguins
PPPrivacy Policy
PPPeter Parker (Spiderman character)
PPPrincess Peach (Nintendo character)
PPPower Pack
PPPower Play (Hockey)
PPPlanned Parenthood
PPPersonal Protection (clothing, health and safety)
PPPilot Project
PPPercentage Points
PPPostage Paid
PPPre Production
PPParticle Physics
PPPolly Pocket (toy doll)
PPPersonne Physique (French)
PPPoint Pleasant (Point Pleasant, NJ)
PPPlastic Packaging
PPPast Participle
PPPeraturan Pemerintah (Indonesian: government regulations)
PPPeak Power
PPPower Points (Pokémon/anime gaming)
PPParticular Person
PPPay Period
PPPeople's Party (political party)
PPPlastic Pipe
PPPresent Position
PPPostpartum (Latin: After Birth)
PPPopular Party (Spain)
PPParish Priest
PPPositive Pressure
PPPartial Pressure
PPPrimary Production (ecology)
PPPaul Pierce (basketball player)
PPParallel Port (IEEE 1284-1994)
PPPump Pressure (drilling)
PPParty Poker
PPPower Plugs
PPPhilip Pullman (author)
PPPower Panel
PPPush Pull
PPPokemon Platinum (game)
PPPrevious Period
PPPilgrim's Progress (Christian allegory)
PPPrimary Point (or Dial Post Pay Payphone)
PPPush Press (weightlifting)
PPPlasma Protein
PPPurchase Price
PPPlus Postage
PPPeroxisome Proliferator (molecular biology)
PPPeristaltic Pump
PPPolice Post
PPParty Pooper
PPPayback Period (investing)
PPProtein Phosphatase
PPPrevious Poster (message board thread)
PPPersonal Pronoun
PPPerfect Play (gaming)
PPPrepositional Phrase (grammar)
PPPokemon Pearl (game)
PPPrice Pfister
PPPosterior Probability
PPPlot Plan (drafting and design)
PPPer Protocol
PPPore Pressure
PPProject Planning
PPPiece Part
PPPuzzle Pirates (gaming website)
PPPair Programming (software development technique)
PPPeople's Participation
PPPoppers (Isobutylnitrite)
PPPreferred Plus (insurance)
PPPeak Pressure
PPPremium Processing (US Department of Homeland Security)
PPPrimary Progressive (multiple sclerosis)
PPPhantom Planet
PPParticle Production
PPPostprandial (after meals)
PPPatriarchs and Prophets
PPPage Printer
PPPocket Protector
PPPilot Production
PPProject Plan
PPPounds Pressure
PPParadise Poker (online gaming)
PPPersonnel Protection
PPPeriodic Paralysis
PPPlasma Pistol (gaming)
PPPeru Posible (political party)
PPPoint Paper
PPPractical Photography (Uk magazine)
PPPhysical Profile
PPPancreatic Polypeptide
PPPater Patriae (Latin: Father of the Country, epigraphy)
PPProfessional Planner
PPProcess Planning
PPPatient Placement (hospitals)
PPPartido Patriota (Spanish, Guatemala political party)
PPPlanning Package
PPPiecewise Polynomial (mathematics)
PPPrivate Party (classified ads)
PPPrimary Path
PPProvincial Park
PPPlanetary Protection (NASA)
PPPre Preg (material type)
PPPoor Presentation (job applicant)
PPPrimary Pressure
PPPermanent Party
PPProposed Plan
PPPrestige Points (gaming)
PPProtection Profile
PPPeople Person
PPPressure Plug
PPPatriot Party (Guatemala)
PPPassage Point
PPParent Parcel
PPProtein Purification
PPPiston Pump (automotive engineering)
PPProgressive Party
PPPromise to Pay
PPPortable Part
PPPhysical Partition (IBM AIX)
PPPollution Probe (workshop)
PPPause Please (gaming)
PPPlatinum Piece (gaming)
PPParty Please (gaming)
PPPinellas Plant (Florida)
PPParticiple Phrase
PPProduction Phase
PPPavee Point (Ireland)
PPPublicaciones Periódicas
PPPetrol Point (military operations)
PPPlane Partition (enumerative combinatorics)
PPPetr Prucha (hockey player)
PPPropria Persona (Latin: for oneself)
PPPlenum Pressure
PPProgram Package
PPPort Processor
PPPressure Plan
PPPayload Pointer
PPProton Proton
PPPeripheral Processor
PPPlanetary Program
PPPreservation Pennsylvania
PPProprietà Privata (Italian: No Trespassing)
PPPoled Polymer
PPPrivateer Press (online games store)
PPProcedural Programming
PPPointer Processor (ANSI)
PPParachute Press, Inc.
PPPréfecture de Police (France)
PPPrime Polymer Co., Ltd. (Japan)
PPPrivate Passenger (vehicle owned by an individual)
PPProcurement Plan
PPProtection Profiles (IT security, informatics)
PPProtector Plus
PPPunjab Police (India)
PPPlateau Perspectives (Canada and UK)
PPPropulsion Power
PPPure Pwnage (Internet TV show)
PPPull Plug (gaming)
PPPrevoyance Professionnelle (French)
PPPermittivity Probe (astronomy)
PPProcess Potential
PPPrinter's Proof (art)
PPPellagra Preventing
PPPurchasing Procedure
PPPower Pets
PPPound Puppy (toy and entertainment line)
PPPer Proxy
PPPrincipe de Paz (Guatemala, protestant church)
PPPer Procurationem (Latin: By Agency; letters signed on another person's behalf)
PPPróximo Passado (Portuguese: Prior)
PPPelican Parts
PPProblem Priority
PPPolarization Propagator
PPPriority Precedence
PPPraeses Provinciae (Latin: Ruler of the Province, epigraphy)
PPPerfect Prog (approach)
PPPorozumienie Polskie (Polish Accord)
PPPsychic Points (gaming, Earthbound)
PPPunctum Proximum (Latin: near point of accommodation)
PPParts Population
PPPraemissis Praemittendis
PPPneumo-Peritoneum (medical procedure)
PPPater Putativus (Latin: supposed father)
PPPublic Prosecuter
PPPublicidad Profesional (Guatemala advertisment agency)
PPPoetPatriot (website)
PPPrioritization Phase
PPPapa Pontifex (signature of the Pope)
PPPreterito Pasado (Spanish, grammar)
PPProfessional Plastering
PPPolaris Prime (Starcraft)
PPProduction Planner/Planning
PPProgram Plan/Planning
PPProgram/Procurement Plan
PPPerfectPass Control Systems Inc.
PPPotentiometer Plate
PPProjected Proponency