Acronym | Definition |
PPAC | Policy and Planning Committee (Wisconsin) |
PPAC | Providence Performing Arts Center (Rhode Island) |
PPAC | Priority Planning Advisory Committee (Arizona) |
PPAC | Pasquerilla Performing Arts Center (University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown; Johnstown, PA) |
PPAC | Promotional Products Association of Canada |
PPAC | Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California |
PPAC | Professionals Political Action Committee (Omaha, NE) |
PPAC | Parallel-Plate Avalanche Counter (gas counter) |
PPAC | Pacific Plan Action Committee |
PPAC | Pharmerica Corporation Political Action Committee |
PPAC | Progressive Pseudorheumatoid Arthropathy of Childhood |
PPAC | Prospect Park Audubon Center (New York) |
PPAC | Pharmacy Practice Activity Classification |
PPAC | Persian Political Action Committee (Orange County, CA) |
PPAC | Planning, Programming, and Audit Coordination (US IRS) |
PPAC | Prospective Payment Assessment Commission |
PPAC | Practicing Physician's Advisory Council |
PPAC | Purchased Power Adjustment Charge (utility billing) |
PPAC | Product Performance Agreement Center |
PPAC | Public Protection Advisory Committee |
PPAC | Perfect Practice Athletic Center (Tulsa, OK) |
PPAC | Pacific Pilotage Authority Canada |