PLDPld (Poland) Linux Distribution
PLDPartido de la Liberación Dominicana (Dominican Republic opposition party)
PLDPublic Library District (various locations)
PLDPulsed Laser Diode
PLDProgrammable Logic Device
PLDPartidul Liberal Democrat (Romanian: Liberal Democratic Party)
PLDPulsed Laser Deposition
PLDPolar-Layered Deposits
PLDPrimary Linguistic Data
PLDPartial Line Down
PLDPump Line Nozzle Diesel
PLDPolished Linux Distribution
PLDPacket Lookup Descriptor
PLDPegylated Liposomal Doxorubicin
PLDPartido Liberal Democrático (Spanish: Liberal Democratic Party)
PLDPower-Loss Density
PLDPost Living Differential
PLDLiberal Democratic Party
PLDProgrammable Logic Design
PLDPolycystic Liver Disease
PLDPlafond Légal de Densité (French: Maximum Statutory Density; urban planning)
PLDProficiency Level Descriptor (education)
PLDProcurement Legal Division (US Navy)
PLDPlan Local de Déplacements (French)
PLDPackage Level Detail (UPS)
PLDPublic Lighting Department
PLDPeasant-Democratic Party (Poland)
PLDPlaya Samara, Costa Rica (Airport code)
PLDPortuguese Language Division (American Translators Association)
PLDParking-Line Detection (vehicle software)
PLDProbable Line of Deployment
PLDPersonnel Lowering Device
PLDPaul Loduca (baseball player)
PLDPot Luck Dinner
PLDPhase Lock Demodulator
PLDPulse Length Discrimination
PLDPrimary Layer Depth
PLDPumpe-Leitung-Düse Einspritzsystem
PLDPerformance Learning Director (US DoD)
PLDPhase-Loss Detector
PLDPolicy Liaison Division (DCAA)
PLDPolicy and Legislative Division
PLDProgram Logic Design
PLDPage Load Delay