Acronym | Definition |
PBL | Problem-Based Learning |
PBL | Phi Beta Lambda |
PBL | Performance Based Logistics |
PBL | Peripheral Blood Lymphocyte (blood cells) |
PBL | Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving (Dutch: Planning for the Environment; Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency) |
PBL | Points, Badges, and Leaderboards (gaming) |
PBL | Planetary Boundary Layer |
PBL | Protected Bike Lane (various locations) |
PBL | Philippine Basketball League |
PBL | Put Block |
PBL | Primary Boot Loader |
PBL | Power Basic Library |
PBL | Performance-Based Leadership |
PBL | Publishing and Broadcasting Limited (Australia) |
PBL | Peripheral Blood Leukocyte |
PBL | Panacea Biotec Ltd. (India) |
PBL | Primary Boot Loader (computing) |
PBL | Product Baseline |
PBL | Problem/Project Based Learning |
PBL | Project-Based Lesson (education) |
PBL | Pacific Brands Ltd. (Australia) |
PBL | Policy Based Loan |
PBL | Philadelphia Belt Line Railroad |
PBL | Polish Peasant Bloc |
PBL | Patrol Boat Light (US Navy) |
PBL | Policy By-Laws (Australian government) |
PBL | Protection Ballistic Limit |
PBL | Power Builder Library |
PBL | Points Behind Leader (hockey) |
PBL | Per Beneficiary Limit |
PBL | Poly Buffer LOCOS (Local Oxidation of Silicon) |
PBL | Policy Blocking List (SPAM filtering) |
PBL | Project By-Law (Australia) |
PBL | Punishable By Life imprisonment (Florida) |
PBL | Plastic Barrier Layer (soft goods packaging) |
PBL | Peanut Butter Legs |
PBL | Phrase-Based Language (speech synthesis development tool) |
PBL | Pay by the Load (transportation) |
PBL | Persons, Behle and Latimer (law firm) |