Acronym | Definition |
PBP | Picture by Picture (TVs and monitors) |
PBP | Play-By-Play |
PBP | Paris-Brest-Paris (bicycle race) |
PBP | Play by Post (roleplaying games) |
PBP | Prison Book Program (various organizations) |
PBP | Personal Business Plan |
PBP | Penicillin Binding Protein |
PBP | Peripheral Bus Protocol |
PBP | Picture by Picture |
PBP | Panda Business Partner |
PBP | Personal Basis Profile |
PBP | Pixel by Pixel |
PBP | Packet Burst Protocol |
PBP | Provider Backbone Port |
PBP | Parallel Bus Peripheral |
PBP | Progressive Bulbar Palsy |
PBP | Poor Boyz Productions (Hermosa Beach, CA) |
PBP | Performance-Based Payment (US DoD) |
PBP | Point Blank Period |
PBP | Personal Basis Profile (connected device configuration) |
PBP | Pay Back Period |
PBP | Pay By Phone |
PBP | Please Be Patient |
PBP | Pheromone Binding Protein |
PBP | Plan Benefit Package (health care) |
PBP | Pot-Belly Pig |
PBP | Point by Point |
PBP | Project Better Place (cars) |
PBP | Peace Between People (Seattle, WA) |
PBP | Product Based Planning (UK) |
PBP | Preburner Boost Pump (US NASA) |
PBP | Puffing Billy Posse (graffiti crew) |
PBP | PERL (Practical Extraction and Report Language) Best Practices (computer programming) |
PBP | Paperboard Packaging (magazine) |
PBP | Packet-By-Packet (Cisco) |
PBP | Post Boost Phase |
PBP | Picture Bleeds Paint (band) |
PBP | Pooled Bonds Program (New Jersey) |
PBP | Practicality Beats Purity |
PBP | Proven Best Practice |
PBP | Polo Boy Productions |
PBP | Peanut Butter Panic (Blue Bunny ice cream flavor; also Atari game) |
PBP | Pakistan Border Patrol |