POTSPart of the Solution (New York)
POTSPrisoners of the Sun (comics)
POTSPath Of The Shell (game Uru: Ages Beyond Myst)
POTSProtector of the Small (Tamora Pierce book)
POTSPostural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome
POTSPlain Old Telephone Service
POTSPat on the Shoulder
POTSPlain Old Telephone System
POTSPower-On Self-Test (software)
POTSPoint of Termination Station
POTSPlain Ordinary Telephone System
POTSPower Troubleshooter
POTSPlayhouse on the Square (various locations)
POTSParting on the Square (Internet-Masonic Lexicon)
POTSPiss Off, Tomorrow's Saturday (principally Australian slang)
POTSParents Over the Shoulder
POTSPerception of Teasing Scale
POTSPlain Old Time Sharing (operating systems)
POTSPost Office Telephone Service
POTSPurchase Of Telephones & Services
POTSPurchasing Online Tracking System (US NIH)