OLTOne Last Thing
OLTOrthotopic Liver Transplantation
OLTOptical Line Terminal
OLTon Line Training
OLTOn Line Taxes, Inc
OLTOnline Training
OLTOld Town Transit Center (Amtrak station code; San Diego, CA)
OLTOptical Line Termination
OLTOstfriesische Lufttransport GmbH (Emden, Germany airline)
OLTOperations Leadership Team (various organizations)
OLTOberleutnant (German: a military rank)
OLTOffice of Learning Technologies (Canada)
OLTOil Loading Terminal (various companies)
OLTOnline Learning and Teaching (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)
OLTOn-Line Testing
OLTObject Level Trace
OLTOrganización de Lucha por la Tierra (Spanish: Organization of Struggle for Land; Paraguay)
OLTOperation Land Transfer
OLTOwners, Landlords, and Tenants (insurance)
OLTOrlando Lutheran Towers (Orlando, FL)
OLTOverwhelmingly Large Telescope
OLTOrder Lead Time (logistics)
OLTOceania Leadership Team
OLTOptical Leak Test
OLTObservatory Level Test
OLTOptical Layup Template
OLTOnly Legal Transitions
OLTOrganização de Local de Trabalho (Portuguese: Organization of Work)
OLTOperational Level Task
OLTOsteochondral Lesion of the Tibia