Acronym | Definition |
OLT | One Last Thing |
OLT | Orthotopic Liver Transplantation |
OLT | Optical Line Terminal |
OLT | on Line Training |
OLT | On Line Taxes, Inc |
OLT | Online Training |
OLT | Old Town Transit Center (Amtrak station code; San Diego, CA) |
OLT | Optical Line Termination |
OLT | Ostfriesische Lufttransport GmbH (Emden, Germany airline) |
OLT | Operations Leadership Team (various organizations) |
OLT | Oberleutnant (German: a military rank) |
OLT | Office of Learning Technologies (Canada) |
OLT | Oil Loading Terminal (various companies) |
OLT | Online Learning and Teaching (Queensland University of Technology, Australia) |
OLT | On-Line Testing |
OLT | Object Level Trace |
OLT | Organización de Lucha por la Tierra (Spanish: Organization of Struggle for Land; Paraguay) |
OLT | Operation Land Transfer |
OLT | Owners, Landlords, and Tenants (insurance) |
OLT | Orlando Lutheran Towers (Orlando, FL) |
OLT | Overwhelmingly Large Telescope |
OLT | Order Lead Time (logistics) |
OLT | Oceania Leadership Team |
OLT | Optical Leak Test |
OLT | Observatory Level Test |
OLT | Optical Layup Template |
OLT | Only Legal Transitions |
OLT | Organização de Local de Trabalho (Portuguese: Organization of Work) |
OLT | Operational Level Task |
OLT | Osteochondral Lesion of the Tibia |