Acronym | Definition |
OOD | Order of Difficulty (exams) |
OOD | Object-Oriented Design |
OOD | Outward Opening Door (walk-in bathtubs) |
OOD | Object Oriented Database |
OOD | Oracle on Demand |
OOD | Object Oriented Device |
OOD | Object Oriented Design |
OOD | Object Oriented Development |
OOD | Officer Of the Deck |
OOD | Object-Oriented Development |
OOD | Officer Of the Day |
OOD | Out of Date |
OOD | Object of Desire |
OOD | Out of District (North Carolina State Board of Education) |
OOD | Officer on Duty |
OOD | On Official Duty |
OOD | Order of the Obsidian Dragon (gaming) |
OOD | Object Oriented Delivery |