QUESTCentre for Quantum Engineering and Space-Time Research (Hannover, Germany)
QUESTQuality Excellence for Suppliers of Telecommunications
QUESTQualifying Employee Share Ownership Trust
QUESTQuality Engineered Software and Testing (conference)
QUESTQuantifying and Understanding the Earth System (University of Bristol; UK)
QUESTQuantum Entanglement Science and Technology (US DARPA)
QUESTQuantum Entanglement Science and Technology
QUESTQuality Urban Energy Systems of Tomorrow (Canada)
QUESTQuality Unemployment System Transformation (Massachusetts Department of Unemployment Assistance)
QUESTQuality Utilization and Enrichment of Student Talents (Leander Independent School District)
QUESTQuantum Entangled States of Trapped Particles
QUESTQueuing Event Simulation Tool (software)
QUESTQ and U Extra-Galactic Sub-mm Telescope (UK)
QUESTQUerying for EnzymeS using the Three-hybrid system
QUESTQuality Electrical Systems Test
QUESTQuarterly European Simulation Tool
QUESTQuery, Update Entry, Search, Time Sharing System
QUESTQuality Enhancement Simulation Training
QUESTQuery Evaluation and Search Technique
QUESTQuality Engineering and Software Technologies Private Ltd
QUESTQuaid-a-Awam University of Engineering Science and Technology (Pakistan)