Acronym | Definition |
QUEST | Centre for Quantum Engineering and Space-Time Research (Hannover, Germany) |
QUEST | Quality Excellence for Suppliers of Telecommunications |
QUEST | Qualifying Employee Share Ownership Trust |
QUEST | Quality Engineered Software and Testing (conference) |
QUEST | Quantifying and Understanding the Earth System (University of Bristol; UK) |
QUEST | Quantum Entanglement Science and Technology (US DARPA) |
QUEST | Quantum Entanglement Science and Technology |
QUEST | Quality Urban Energy Systems of Tomorrow (Canada) |
QUEST | Quality Unemployment System Transformation (Massachusetts Department of Unemployment Assistance) |
QUEST | Quality Utilization and Enrichment of Student Talents (Leander Independent School District) |
QUEST | Quantum Entangled States of Trapped Particles |
QUEST | Queuing Event Simulation Tool (software) |
QUEST | Q and U Extra-Galactic Sub-mm Telescope (UK) |
QUEST | QUerying for EnzymeS using the Three-hybrid system |
QUEST | Quality Electrical Systems Test |
QUEST | Quarterly European Simulation Tool |
QUEST | Query, Update Entry, Search, Time Sharing System |
QUEST | Quality Enhancement Simulation Training |
QUEST | Query Evaluation and Search Technique |
QUEST | Quality Engineering and Software Technologies Private Ltd |
QUEST | Quaid-a-Awam University of Engineering Science and Technology (Pakistan) |